27-She will break my heart before i break hers

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Amelia's pov

I hear her car pulling up in her driveway after sending a text to my mom telling her not to worry and that I was fine.

Mom: We are waiting for you to have dinner together as a family. Love ,mom.

Jason: You better be on your way. Mom and gran aren't hungry but I am starving. Fly here ,now!

I laugh at jason's message.

'I am so sorry to keep you up for another hour .I got caught up in jamming.You could sleep here if you are late.'

'Its okay. Thank you but i should make a move,family must be waiting for me.'

She nods her head, opens her purse and gives me 15 bucks. Luck day,Ammie.

I move to Tobias's driveway for my car.I had not reversed when I was shown the right house. I could hear a group of boys coming out. I face the other side not wanting to create attention that I was there.

'Amelia, is that you?' Jake calls out.

I turn to find him taking big strides towards me with the two slowly moving behind him.

'What brings you to Tobias's neighborhood?' I wanted to shout that I didn't know he even resides here and that the next street that connects to this is where van says but I just stayed silent,' Just finished babysitting.'

'Oh nice! We were just going for a drive. Care to join us?'

I don't think that's a good idea. My family is waiting for me.' All true.

'We'll take you then. It's a holiday and not that safe.' As if going with you guys was completely safe either.

'What about my car?'

'Don't worry, I will have Tobias watching it the entire night.' He humorously says earning a scoff from Tobias.

'Is that finally a yes?'

'One more thing, you all should verbally promise to behave.'

'I promise . Reece?'

He thinks about it but still agrees to 'Ugh, okay fine I promise.


'Really? Is all this necessary? She is not even my type.' Ouch, as if you are my type either. I will definitely not want my type going around smoking, hitting clubs all night, sleeping with any girl and most of all bunks school. He must be thinking that he is everyone's type just because he is a badass bad boy with good looks but he is WRONG.

'Now we have a deal Amelia.'

I ensure my car is locked before I progress to Tobias's. Jake had not come with a car and so has Reece. They offer me the front seat but I jump to the one at the back. I had no title to be sitting in his front seat. Jake decided to sit with me leaving Reece the front seat. I always had a thing for cars especially when they were a sports car, was black and had a good sound system. I was inner screaming of how I love d the car but I was so silent on the outer.

'So Amelia? Can I get your other hot friend's number now that you made me promise not to make a move on you?'

I start thinking if it's Maddie or Vanessa or maybe it could be Hannah.' Which friend?'

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