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Amelia’s pov

After a series of texts that could blow off my phone, I changed to a jumpsuit that reached up to my mid thighs and decided to join my friends who were sipping their cocktails as the laid, feeling the beeze.

hey Madie, where’s Mason?’ I ask.

Ohh, he’s been pretty weird of late.I told I was going to go to his room we watch a movie.you shouls have been there to see how he rejected that so fast and insisted that I stay with you guys.’

I face Vanessa and we seem to telepath the same instincts.
I stand up declaring that I’m hungry.I move to the food area.As I pass by, to get my food, Toby was talking to Reece and Jake. I serve and make my way to a chair whose back was faced to Toby. I hear him pressed to one of the counter that serves drink behind Me.

After taking about two morsels, I stop cause I get disgusted by the Latina lady's giggles behind me as Toby was using His charms on her.Then it clicked, She was the same one on day one.

I turn towards them and I see that She had moved closer.She was twirling her hair edges with her finger as She moves closer and closer.Her clothes? Outrageously short that you could see all of it! I had to put some boundaries between them.Toby gave Me side glances but never even stopped what He was doing for even a minute. He was really entertaining that hoe. I guess I had to do stuff my way.I quickly gulp down my water before I make My way towards them.

I run a hand with my fingers over my hand as I reached them. By now ms hoe who was on his side whispering in Toby’s ear.

Hey babe,’ I make my presence felt. They both stop what they are doing and give me their full attention.

I make soft moves towards him as I put my long hands on His neck.He doesn’t waste time before circling my waist and saying a ‘hey’ .

Whose this?’ I turn to the Latina who looked so shocked as  She sipped her drink.

Ohh, her? Just a friend I've met now.’ She choked on her own drink before murmuring a ‘I need to sit' and moves to a sofa further away.

‘I think My work here is done ,’ I say as I take back my hands wanting to leave.

Wait, Who said so?’ Toby whispers ,hands still on my waist.

Leave Me Toby.Or else’ I threaten

‘You don’t want her coming back do you, now?’
I turn towards her but She still gave Me a disbelieving look.

Can’t She leave already? I'm tired pretending.

Are you now? Or is it just you’re scared you’ll fall again and again.'

I stammer before closing my mouth, not to embrass myself any further.We lost track of time as We held onto each other as if life depended on it.

well well well..’ We break away immediately as He leaves me slowly.‘Aren’t you two my favourite couple in the whole wide world.’Reece says.

We just roll our eyes at them.

Ohh mine too,’ Jake says as He smiles.

What do you want you two? ‘ Tobias speaks.

‘We did that for some reasons ,dumbass.’ I tell the two.

Whatever makes you sleep at night,’ Jake says.

Shut up Jake’ Toby says to him.

They all laugh before I decide to leave.Toby volunteers to go with Me. I decline Him but Him being Him still follows Me. Not that I minded. Maddie and Ven were already there, when I reached.

I was just about to close then I remembered,‘Umm,Toby?’


‘Do you know where Mason’s room is in?’

Huh?' He says sounding confused as to why I wanted to know.

‘He invited me over.’ I say testing Him before I inform him why.

What? Are you out of your mind? Is he on drugs? Why will He as my gir..’

No you idiot…that ain’t why. We kinda think He’s cheating on Vanessa.’

‘Ohh.’ He says as He rolled his eyes.’So how will knowing His room help?’
Well just take Vanessa and I,if its not much.’

Of course its not’

I quickly call ven outside through texts so that Maddie doesn’t get a single clue about anything.We may also be wrong about it. We kinda think that Mason is cheating on Madie with a hot chick He met here in Hawaii.

I was so nervous .As much We didn’t like Mason We cared about one of our close friends getting hurt. Madie sure liked him and that is why they dated.After filling Toby on why we were going there ,we decided to let Toby go in as We waited for his cue from outside the room.He had to knock four times before Mason decides to open it.Toby pushed it open and voila there it was right on our faces!

The chick was clinging on the bedsheet to cover her damn body.And Mason was in his briefs.

Vanessa quickly rushes to go get Maddie.We felt so bad.Mason was using our names to stay away from Maddie and have his best moments right here,in this room.

'Amelia,its not what it seems.Please don’t tell Maddie'

‘Save it asshole’I quickly say.

Maddie comes in to find the bimbo in the bathroom wearing her clothes after walking around assembling them from different parts of the room.she quickly wipes the tear that was rolling down her cheek and moves to where mason was.She slaps Him so hard that we all look at her disbelievingly.I guess pain could really get to you sometimes.

You cheated on me for this hoe?!’ We were all shocked but felt so bad for her right now.


Surprise !

Another update.

Trying to compensate for the time I have been away.

Who got shook by Maddie?

Ughhhh….boys sometimes!{but some are sweet too}

Don’t forget to follow me


And a tap on the orange star will make my day/night.


It Was A Game Right?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ