chapter 29 - Breathless

Start from the beginning

I nodded again.


"We gotta go. Now." Jessy interrupted Mistress before she could get her next sentence out.

"Oh for fucks sake." Mistress growled before standing up quickly.
"We'll talk more when I come back. And as for you, Jessy, if my pet doesn't want to cuddle when I come back..." I could hear her voice trail outside the room.

I watched them leave.

I noticed as they left, the room was colder. The warmth that kept me cozy was suddenly gone. Disappointment filled my chest where normally I would feel relief. Right now, not so much.

You miss her.

I miss affection. I don't miss her.

I sighed. A perfectly good Ps4 was in front of me with a giant T.V. but I lost interest.

I should go back to bed with Katie...

Fuck no, pick up that controller.

Seems like effort.

You have to stay here. You promised mistress...

I Promised mistress I would cuddle when she was done. Not that I'd be here in this spot when I got back.

You're going to piss her off.

It'll be fine. All she has to do is go back to where Katie was sleeping...

I sat there for a few minutes, looking around the room. I wanted to be sure I wouldn't accidentally run into the both of them.

Because you know she's gonna be mad.

I don't think so.

But doesn't your body feel heavy? Aren't you sleepy?

For once Sarah had a point. My body felt like it was glued down. Getting up was going to be next to impossible. I let myself sink back down into the couch.

I sighed deeply. I decided to close my eyes and ride the waves of relaxation. I let my eyelids fall as my body buzzed.

"Ashley, wake up sweetie." I heard a honey filled voice say. I could feel whoever it was, brush the hair from my eyes.

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was greeted with forest green eyes and ruby lips smiling at me.

"Mistress..." I mumbled quietly.

Why is she so fucking beautiful?

Mistress leaned over me, gently nibbling on my ear. It caught me off guard, so I flinched slightly before relaxing again.

I could hear her chuckle softly in my ear. I bit my lip lightly while letting out a soft sigh.

She pulled my chin towards her before she captured my lips with hers.

My body responded to her on its own by kissing her back.

We moved completely in synch with each other. I felt her teeth very gently bite my bottom lip. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me. Her tongue suddenly invaded my mouth. I wasn't startled like I was the first time she did this. By now, I was accustomed to it.

Some reason, I was feeling a bit braver than I normally do. Our tongues danced with each other in dark fireworks show no one else would be able to see. But I felt it. Her hands ran up my shirt softly groping one of my breasts.

We pulled away from each other, breathless. Panting hard. I let out a soft moan as she began to play with my body.

She broke the kiss, only to trace my jawline with kisses. She slowly trailed down to my neck.

"Do you want it?" she asked looking into my eyes as she dropped lower. Her dark green eyes were completely fixated on me. I gulped, my heart rate speeding up.

I nodded slowly.

"Say it. I want to hear you say it." She commanded sternly.

"I-I...want you to fuck me, Mistress" I panted eagerly. Too eagerly.

"You got it, baby girl." My heart almost skipped a beat when she said that. Wrapped one hand gently around my throat before kissing me softly. Something felt off though.

Normally her fingers would be pressing into the sides of my throat. This time her hand was squeezing right in the center. But it was still gentle, so I paid it no mind.

She broke the kiss again, smiling down at me.

"I'll make you regret everything." She whispered. Before my mind could even process her words, her hand was pressing down onto my throat. I couldn't breathe at all. I tried to gasp for air as her hand squeezed around me. But it was no use. I could almost feel the life being squeezed out of me. 


Oh shit, shit is gonna go down?? anyway sorry about the long ass time it took to update. Work is short staffed and of course I had to pick up the slack. Plus i've been having a lot of money trouble a long with everything else so writing was next to impossible. Hopefully i'll be better! but still expect the updates to take awhile. I just hope I can get to a point where I can write more for you guys. 

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