Chapter 6: 'Grounded and Humbled.'

Start from the beginning

I laughed and texted her again.

To Chanel
Send me your address then hoe and I'll pick you up around 12.

I walked out into the living room. Rey ran out of her bedroom and dived on to me. We both fell on the couch.

I started tickling her and she giggled.

"Morwning Madison."

"Morning Rey."

We watched TV until aunt Jessie finished making the pancakes. She put out some lemon, syrup, sugar and Nutella.

We all ate and talked before I went to my bedroom and started getting ready.

I got changed into some black skinny jeans, a white crop top, a denim jacket and some white vans.

I grabbed my purse and looked at my phone, Chanel had sent me her address. I walked into the living room and told my aunt I was leaving.

Rey gave me a small hug and my aunt told me she was making pasta for dinner.

I waved goodbye and walked out. I got in my car and put on some music. I parked outside Chanel's house. It was a pretty big house, very modern. Probably new and really expensive.

She came out wearing blue jeans, a red turtle neck, a black leather jacket and some timberlands. You could tell she had great style. I smiled as she opened the door.

"Hi bitchface."

I laughed at how assertive she was. She started fake borking as she got in.

"What?" I asked.

"What is this? Justin Bieber? We all know his career died with his love for Selena. Put some fucking one direction on and let's hit the shopping centre."

I changed the song to 'Kiss You' by one direction and we belted out the lyrics. We went to plenty of stores and I guess we were both curious as to how we could both afford it all.

"My grandma's rolling in cash. My mum found loads of shit in her attic after she died and it turns out it was worth millions, so I get a pretty good share of that money. I was already working at the pub before we found all that stuff, but my mum thinks it will benefit me more to keep working there and to earn my own money instead of living off my grandma." I got it now. In ways, our situations were similar in the fact that we both have access to money, yet our parents want us to work. Most likely to stay grounded and humbled.

We went into every designer store the shopping centres had to offer. We got so much stuff we had to make a trip to my car just to put all the bags in so we could still walk.

We were both getting hungry since it was like 3 pm. We went to Pizza Hut for some much needed food. "My dad is the president of The New York Times, he gives me more than enough money, but my aunt wanted me to experience working life here and get used to things by meeting lots of new people."

She then told me that her dad left her and her mom and I instantly felt for her. Our pizzas got to our tables and she told me it was perfect lighting for a picture.

We finished our pizzas and went back to the car.

"Oh crap."

"What now? Did you see Patrick again?"

I rolled my eyes. "I completely forgot I start university tomorrow."

"Don't worry bitch. I've got you. I'll help you out and maybe we can meet for lunch somewhere on campus?"

I smiled and sighed in relief.

I dropped Chanel off and we said our goodbyes. When I got back to the apartment, my aunt bombarded me with a million questions and I showed her all of the things I got. She was just as excited as me.

I went to my room and put everything away. I laid on my bed texting Chanel and she told me more about how British university works.

I decided to watch some Netflix as usual and put on the movie 'Just Go With It.' I took off my jacket after laying it for like an hour because I'm lazy. I hung it up and put my hair up before changing into some pyjamas for the rest of the night.


I groaned. Even though I was hungry, getting up was just too much since I'd been walking all fucking day.

I finished my food with my aunt and Rey before saying goodnight and walking back to my room. I opened my laptop and put on gossip girl on Netflix. I then took off my makeup and brushed my teeth before climbing into and bed and watching Netflix until I fell asleep.

Idek if my chapters are long enough or not but oh well

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