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Everyone knew that Mila and Jughead were in love, So when Mila had decided to move back to the Southside everyone could see how torn the two were, Jughead was somewhat glad he'd be back in school with his best friend but she was even more torn. She wanted to protect Jughead from everything at all cost, She didn't want him to be pulled down by the depths of the southside. 

Since they had found out the news, The two had met early in the morning for Breakfast at pop's, Mila's reason was to get the last moments of Jughead untouched, Without him feeling pressured to be something he wasn't and just to spend time with him, And he just wanted to see his best friend all the time, No matter what he had to do. 

The two stopped going to their classes to hangout, Worrying each person's friend group. Toni, Sweet pea and Fangs laughed finding it normal habit for her. Archie, Veronica and Betty were worried about the two. Jughead would leave and then come back at lunch, Sneaking Mila in and they sat at the back of the cafeteria. The two had argued about him going to the southside once a day and today it had happened to be at lunch. 

"Juggy, Just look. I want you there, You know that. But i don't want you around the people. I'm not gonna lie, They're worse things over there than the serpents." She said running a hand through her hair. 

"Angel, I'll be fine. I'm not going there to make friends, I'm going there to be with you, I'm going there because i have to. It can go back to the way it was, Me and You at a table, Just us. Don't you want that? Don't you miss it?" He frowned. She sighed seeing his expression and nodded. 

"I don't want you getting hurt..." She whispered, Jughead opened his mouth to say something but Veronica stood at the table.

"Mind if i sit here? I have no idea where Archie is and Betty's with Polly." She smiled. Mila smiled and nodded and scooted over to let the girl sit, Mila had never really disliked Veronica it was the other half of B&V she couldn't stand. 

"Sitting with the Social Parish and The Southside serpent. I'm shocked." Jughead said putting his hands up in defense. 

"So? I've sat with you two for months and i've never had a problem. What's so different?" She chuckled. 

"And there we have it ladies and gentlemen, Veronica Lodge finally snapped." Mil joked taking a swig from her water bottle. 

"Jughead..." Someone whispered, Mila turned to see Cheryl, She hadn't spoken of really seen her since she had left Riverdale high. Mila quirked a brow noticing she wasn't wearing her usual red. "I'm sorry." She whispered. 

"I had no right to pummel you like that, And as recompense i'd like to give you this." She finished tossing something to Jughead. "My iconic spider brooch, It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawnshop. Enough to keep you and M with burgers and S shirts for years, If not decades." She smiled. 

"Cheryl what's going on?" Mila asked amused. 

"I just wanted to thank him and apolo-" Cheryl started until Kevin ran into the Cafeteria. 

"Guys, it's Betty's locker, It's bad. Come on." Kevin rushed out, Jughead pulled up Mila with veronica and now Archie following them. The group rounded the corner and saw a group taking pictures of whatever was on her locker, Archie and Mila pushed through the crowd, Even though right now her and Betty weren't on the best of terms, Betty had been there for her when her mom and dad had died. 

'GO TO HELL SERPENT SLUT' Was written on the article on FP on it, Mila could instantly tell it wasn't red paint. Archie held Betty back as Mila's hands clenched into fists. 

"Look it's the real serpent slut!" Someone shouted from the crowd towards Mila she looked around for who said it but Jughead was automatically in front of her. "Why is southside trash here!" Another shouted. Mila went in the direction of the voice but Jughead wrapped his arm around her and started to pull her down the hall. She struggled against him to get the people, "Get the scum outta here!"

"Let me go." She gritted out. Jughead Pushed Mila against the lockers away from the group and had her hands in his as she pushed against him, "Let me go, Jug." 

"Hey, Hey... Mila!" he whisper shouted, Grabbing her attention, "You get in a fight here, Your trespassing, Mila you'll go back to juvie. Stop!" he said laying his head in the crook of her neck trying to get her to stay still. She finally stopped and relaxed, "You get in a fight here, You go to jail and you leave me... And i can't bare that." He said not bending down to look her in the eye. 

"I'm sorry..."


Mila and Jughead laid on her bed in comfortable silence, She thought he was mad at her, But in all honesty he was just enjoying her presence, "What are you thinking about?" He asked softly. 

"Are you mad at me?" She asked softy. He shifted on the bed, Propping himself up on one arm to look at her and she turned her head. 

"Not even a little bit." He smiled, "Now what are you thinking about?" He said laying back down on his side. 

"You, Us... Everything." She sighed, "I don't want anything to change. I don't wanna lose you. I don't want you to leave me." She frowned. 

He frowned seeing her frown, He moved a strand of her hair out of the way and sighed, "You know, Your all that matters to me. Just you, Angel." He sat up straight and pulled her into him. "You are everything i never knew i always wanted. And honestly, i'm not even sure what the hell any of that means."

"How are you supposed to know what you wan when you don't know what it means." She laughed playing with his hands. 

"Because i know i want you in my life, For the rest of my life. I remember the first time i say you, Like actually saw you. I had never seen anything so perfect, I was so dramatic back then that i told my dad that you had to be my best friend or i'd die. And now i know that it's probably true, If i wasn;t at least your best friend i'd die." He laughed into her hair making her smile, "And so when you talked to me, And had asked me to play tag with you, I felt so happy... I was only five. And you had completely taken over my world." 

"I love you, Pancake." She smiled. He looked down at her and smiled. 

"What do you love about me?" he askes sarcastically. 

"You want a list of reasons why i love?" She asked with a quirked eyebrow, Turning to look at him. He nodded slowly with a smirk and she huffed, "Welp, That's gonna be a long list."

"We have time." He smirked once again. 

"Well, I love how you smile when i get super excited about the littlest things and that weird short laugh you do. How your always asking to see my pictures, Knowing how much they mean to me...  And i love that you won't leave." She sighed, "And that's all off the top of my head."

He smiled and kissed her forehead, "Well that's perfect."

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