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Jughead jones looked down at his sleeping Angel and smiled, He stood shoving their favorite movies into a bag and then walking over to Mila and moving a piece of hair out of her face as she stirred awake. She opened her eyes smiling at him and stretching then realizing she had fallen asleep, "No... No. Ugh juggy i'm sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep..."

"It's okay angel, I was still with you it counted. It's time to go..." Her eyes widened and then she nodded her head sadly.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep pancake..."

"Hey, I still got to watch movies with my best friend and it was nice, Me and you curled up like when we were kids..." He said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "I think i figured somewhere to stay, But you might not like it..." She nodded grabbing her bag and book of pictures. "Ready?"

"I have to be. Lets go. Where's it at anyways?" She asked and jughead shook her head. She made a weird face as they walked out. They stopped at a bar wall and jughead tossed Mila a can of spray paint were they proceeded to write :JUGHEAD JONES & MILA JAMES WUZ HERE: with a picture of a crown and a snake. That was their thing, Jughead had his crowned beanie and Mila had her snake ring. The laughed and turned around seeing FP and Bec. 

"Ah. Hello little sister."

"Brother." She stated looking down, His smile fell and he looked to the ground, FP looked between the two siblings and then sighed.

"You know they'll tear that booth down too, Raze the whole place. Send it right back to the junkyard and us with it." FP said looking around the lot and then to the two best friends.

"Mm, Yeah maybe they'll save it. All the pieces, Store it in the town hall attic and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wondering who the hell we were..." Jughead smiled at his dad and the man who was like his brother. 

"Where you two gonna go?" Bec asked crossing his arms, When the two looked at each other and then back to the two other serpents, "I got room for the two of you at my trailer if needed, Remember that..." Bec said taking a step closer to his sister and then kid who was basically his little brother. 

"It's alright, We'll figure it out like we always do." Jughead said slinging his arm around Mila and the two walked past them and to their next home. They watched as the other members rolled up on their bikes, "We got this angel..."


The two had been at pops all day, She had fallen asleep at the table around two times. Jughead had woken her up and the two were heading to their new 'Home'. When they came near it Jughead was nervous hoping that she would still be with him, "The school? Really?" She asked.

"Mm, Well come on." He lead her through the halls and down a corridor with abandon classrooms. Jughead stopped and opened an abandon janitors closet, "Now hear me out. It's small i know but i think it'll be good for us. So we'll be on time like everyday."

"Thinking ahead Jones, I like it." She smiled and Jughead smiled as well.

When they got back from changing into their pajamas and brushing their teeth, "I think we're gonna have to... Cuddle." The two looked at each other and Jughead climed into the sleeping bag opening his arms. She slid in and we wrapped his arms around her body and she did the same, "You good?"

"Mm, Uh yeah..."

"Okay... Goodnight Angel."

"Goodnight pancake..."

Panic Room ✓Jughead Jones✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu