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    The two had gone to archies house to confront him, Jughead had told Mila that he had seen him and Miss Grundy. Archie frowned and panicked a little when he saw Mila and Jughead, "Hey Mimi... Jug..."

"Archie." Mila spat.

"Uh, What's up?"

"What's up is i saw you and Grundy arch." Archie's eyes went wide and he rushed to them.

"Keep your voices down. My dad's inside."

"Archie. We're trying to help you, But obviously you just wanna destroy yourself." Archie looked away and then back up to them, " How long have you and Grundy been together?"

"Since the summer... I like her."

"God arch, i'd honestly like to see things from your point of view but i can't my head that far up my ass so it's impossible, What are you thinking!?"

"So i'm guessing she's the reason you've acted weird all summer then?" Jughead spat while laughing on the inside at what Mila had said.

"One of them."

"Great.... Your so lucky stupidity isn't a crime."

"Don't go there..."

"I'm already there!"

"Anyways... We were at sweetwater river on the fourth. We heard the gunshot." Mila stood there silently and jughead looked at her worried, "Mila?"




"What language are you speaking? Cause it sounds like bullshit. You have to tell somebody a-"

"No! i can't. Neither can you. If people find out-"

"Archie someone is dead! And your worried about her? You are literally living proof that evolution can go backwards." Mila spat.

"She cares about me..."

"Um, A stab in the dark but it sounds like she cares more about her self than you. isn't she the one telling you what to do?" Jughead questioned, "You are so naive. She's making you be her little slave to save herself."

"What would either of you know about it? Or about me."

"I guess we don't know you. But we did know this guy once, Archie Andrews, He was pretty cool. He always did the right thing and stood up for what was right." The two were about to walk away but archie stopped them.

"Tell anyone and i swear."

"What? What are you gonna do?" Jughead asked taking a step towards archie, Mila stood inbetween the putting a hand on both of their chests. 

"Okay enough, Both of you knock it off." The door opened and all three teens looked up. 

"Hey Mila, Jughead. You two staying? We got take out from pops." Fred Andrews called out, He thought of Mila and Jughead as his other kids. 

"No. They were just leaving." Archie spat. Mila pulled jughead away and the two started walking down the street.


Mila was dressed in a white tee shirt and shirts with a light pink cardigan. Jughead and her were standing next to the vending machine, "Sheriff Keller's grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent.-" They all stopped listening and they payed attention to jughead who was struggling to pick what he wanted from the vending machine. 

"I mean lets think about it. If a kid at Riverdale killed Jason it's not gonna be a jock right? No, it's usually it's always some spooky, Scrawny, Pathetic internet troll who's to busy writing their manifestos to get laid right? Some smug moody serial killer fan boy or his hot as hell 'friend'. So what was it like suicide squad? When you shot jason? Or was it you Mila? Didn't get her way and freaked? "

"Oh Reggie, Reggie, reggie, I'd love to insult you or come up with a fiery come back but, That'd be beyond your intelligence."

"Mhm, Maybe it wasn't you. But it was jughead. You didn't like do stuff to the body did you? Like after?"

"It's called Necrophilia reggie, Can you spell it?"

"Oh come here you little-"  Mila stepped infront of reggie.

"You know reggie, i believe in respect for the dead so lets play nice huh? Or as a matter of fact i'd only play nice with you if you were dead."  Archie walked in the middle and pushed reggie back. 

"Enough okay leave 'em, It isn't worth it."

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