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Jughead and Mila were sitting outside Jughead's trailer watching Mila's older brother and a girl he'd met at school talking, Or that's what it was to them but in reality they were flirting. The girl waved and walked away, Mila and Jughead ran over and then sat down in front of Bec, "Who was that?" Mila asked with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"That was Nina..." He smiled.

"Who's Nina?" Jughead questioned.

"I think she's my soulmate, I really like her." He said sitting next to the two five year olds. 

"Soulmate?" Jughead asked, Quirking an eyebrow, Bec nodded staring in the direction she had left in. 

"What's a soulmate?" Mila asked, Her small voice making the two boys smile down to her. 

"It's a- Well it's like a best friend but more, It's the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else. Someone who makes you a better person, Actually they don't make you a better person. You do that yourself because they inspire you." He said looking at the two Best friends, Seeing the way Jughead looked at her. 

"How do they make you want to be better though?" Jughead asked. 

"Because you'd do anything to make them smile, You want them to have anything in life."  He looked at the two, The sun was setting, Jughead watched her as the sunset, Her brown hair blowing in the wind, He could see the blonde and red natural highlights in her hair, Her usual dark brown eyes were light up and you could see all the details, The golden flecks and swirls of red.

"You know i think you two are soulmates."  He said smiling at the two, The two looked to each other and smiled.

"Yeah we are." Jughead smiled, Grabbing Mila's hand. The two ran off together and continued to go play at the swing set at the end of the trailer park. You would have been stupid to think that Jughead and Mila weren't soulmates. They were the definition of soulmates.

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