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'It was an ultimate cliffhanger, Cylifford Blossom had turned up dead, Suicide. But why did he do it? Life's not an Agatha Christie novel. it's messier. Turns out that the Maple Syrup was a front for transporting heroine from Montreal on his trucks, His true business. The story emerged that Jason had found out about his business and threatened to expose the truth, Which led to him being abducted by the hands of a Southside Serpent named Mustang. And then the murder at the hands of his own father. And he would of gotten away with it if it weren't for a group of pesky kids and a south side serpent. 


Mila paced nervously as she watched her leader, FP Jones. Sheriff Keller had asked him to name off any Serpent. 

"So Blossom was the kingpin." Keller sighed, Staring at FP, "He smuggled drugs through Riverdale and shipped them out, The mayor and I care about it the local component of the operation. Someone has to be selling them on Riverdale, On the southside, And bringing them across the tracks too." 

"It isn't the serpents." 

"Who else would it be?" Keller questioned. Jughead stood behind them as he glared at Keller from behind. "Here's the deal, You give us names of the people pushing dope and the mayor, The D.A and i have a chat and get you a lesser sentence." This made her squirm, When money was tight, Her brother and her would deal, Only when necessary. 

"The Serpents don't get into the hard stuff, I'm not pig, I don't squeal." He smirked looking at the sheriff. 

"FP, If you don't help. Your case goes to trial with no leniency." Keller sighed leaning against the desk across from the cell.  "You'd be looking at 20 for your help in the cover up."

"I'm not saying anything about the serpents, They're family." FP stated. Shaking his head. Two guards came in and escorted the two teens out of the room. 


At southside high many teenage serpents sat there with blank looks. When Mila relayed the message to all serpents that FP was asked to name names but he wasn't and he could be going away for awhile, Everyone was shocked. She felt bad for the whole situation, She felt bad for Jughead, She felt bad for Cheryl she just felt bad in general.  

"M?" Sweet pea said pulling her out of her thoughts, She hummed in response and he sighed, "What do they want the names for?"

"They think we're the ones dealing the heavy stuff. He said he wouldn't say anything because he wasn't a pig." She laughed slightly. "This town needs to change, Or it's gonna go to hell." She muttered. 

"It's already in hell." Fangs scoffed shaking his head making the brunette smile. 


Mila, Jughead and Archie were all walking back to Archie's from Pop's. "Strawberry is so much better than Chocolate, I have no idea what's wrong with you two." Archie stated. 

"You only say that because you look like damn Strawberry Shortcake." Mila shot back, "Chocolate is the best, Hands down." 

"She's right, I bet if we took a poll the best flavor would be chocolate." Jughead shrugged. Archie rolled his eyes as the three walked into the house. 

"Hey Kids." Fred smiled at the three, The teens smiled back but they fell when they walked into the kitchen seeing Fred next to a strange woman. "Uh, This is Ms. Weiss from social services, She's jughead's case worker." He sighed. 

"I know how terrible and emotional these past few days have been, For all of you. FP facing jail time, Your mom's over extended out of state. S.S would just like to make sure your taken care of." She smiled. Mila moved closer to Jughead who wrapped an arm around her. 

"Fred's been doing a great job of taking care of him, What's the problem?" Mila asked. Archie nodded slowly standing in front of Mila slightly. The two could see that both boys were getting protective of Mila who had a worried expression on her face. 

Fred sighed seeing the two boys, "There was a DUI after Mary left, We can talk about it later. But that and the cash flow... i can't." He sighed. 

"There's a family that has offered to foster you, They're good people and they've worked with us before." Ms. Weiss nodded. 

"Why can't he come stay with me and my brother?" She frowned. 

"Considering each of your records, It's slim to none." The woman stated. 

"It doesn't sound.... Completely horrible." He sighed, Rubbing his hand up and down Mila's side. 

"But it does mean that you'll be in a different school section. You'll have to transfer." She nodded. 

"Why can't he be fostered with another family closer to Riverdale." Archie snapped. 

"The southside family were the only ones willing to let Jughead stay with them."  She stated, Mila looked to Jughead who was already looking down at her. 

"When is this all supposed to be happening?" Archie asked, Getting angry. 

"The paperwork has been processed, And unless there's a change in FP's case, You'll be moved into the foster home by the end of the week." Ms. Weiss stated. Archie looked down at his two best friends with a frown. 

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