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    I think many of us, Maybe the entire town of Riverdale had been hoping against all hope the jason blossom didn't drown. And that we'd come to school on Monday morning and Jason would be there, Or that we'd see him and Cheryl at a booth at pops, But before he undeniable irrevocable fact of his bloated, Waterlogged body. A corpse with a bullet in his head and secrets that would only be revealed by a steel blade of a scalpel or the telltale beating of a guilty heart.


The two watched as people passed them in the halls stopping by jasons  locker dropping off flowers and balloons. The pair saw Archie standing alone against his locker, "Hey." Jughead said as the two walked up behind him, "Do you think jason blossom's death would be a good excuse to get us out of pe?  'Sorry coach we're just too depressed to do pull ups'" Jughead mocked. Mila laughed. Archie slammed his locker shut.

"Don't joke about Jason Blossom's death."

"What? Sardonic humor is just the way we relate to the world Arch, God what stick is up your ass. Loosen up for god sake." Mila said rolling her eyes, She looked over to the hall and saw reggie and his friends walking their way, "Mhm, It's the rich kids from the goonies."

"Mhm, Yep we're out. See ya." He grabbed Mila's arm and pulled her and they walked down the hall and tried to get past reggie, He slammed jughead into the locker.

"Out of my way wensday adams."

"Reggie, It's better to let someone think your an idiot, The open your mouth and prove it." Mila said as she helped jughead up. 

"What was that?"

"Did i stutter?" Reggie looked like he was trying to come up with a comeback, "Ugh forget it, I don't engage in mental combat with those who are unarmed. Now if you'll excuse us."She said pulling jughead down the hall, "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine angel, Come on let's get to class." 


"Good morning students, This is your principal speaking, There have been many inquires about the upcoming pep rally, So let me state clearly, The pep rally is happening as scheduled. Now on a less felicitous note, If you could give your attention to Sheriff keller." The class all sighed. 

"Most of you already know the details, But your classmate Jason Blossoms body was found late Saturday night. So as of this weekend, Jason's death is now treated as a homicide. It's as open and ongoing investigation-" Jughead and Mila looked at each other and sighed/ 

"And may i interject, Neither I nor my parents will rest until Jason's death is avenged. And his cold hearted killer is walking the green mile to sit in Old sparky and fry. I for one have my suspicions, Hashtag river dale strong."

"Uh, Thank you Cheryl. If you know anything that could help us find and apprehend Jason's killer or anything about what happened to him on July fourth, I strongly urge you to come forward immediately, You can speak to me or Principal Weatherbee. A death like this wounds us all. Let's not let Jason down." The two watched as Archie ran out of the room and they followed. 

"Archie." Jughead called out, "There something you want to tell us?"

"I-I I gotta go..." Mila put a hand on archies chest pushing him back, "Mila i have to go." He said pushing past them.

"What is he hiding?"

"I don't know, But we'll get it out of him soon."


Jughead and Mila sat in biology, Archie walked in meeting their gaze and then dropping his head, The Andrews boy felt horrible for not telling two of the most important people in his life what was going on but he couldn't, "Seats everyone, Pair off and Gloves on!" The teacher shouted. Mila and Jughead paired up and sat there looking at the frog. Jughead looked at her as she cut open the frog and they both wanted to vomit. 

"Uh may we be excused?"Mila asked looking away. 


"I think jugs gonna be sick..."

"Go! Go." She grabbed her bestfriends hand and lead him out the room. Jughead stopped them as he leaned up against the wall and sat on the floor. Mila pulled out a bottle of water from her back pack and handed it to him. He quickly drank some closing his eyes.

"Wanna go home?"

"I should be fine angel. It's nothing."


"Alright, Lets go." Mila smiled as she helped him up and she walked back into the class room to grab his bag and they walked up to the front desk and got signed out and the went home. She'd always take care of her best friend.

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