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That night, All i wanted to do was talk to her. I had realized i messed up, I broke my promise of always being there for her. I had probably lost her forever.


When Mila woke up, It was dark outside. She sighed and rubbed her hand over her face and swung her legs over the couch. She sighed realizing she wasn't just going to lay around and mop, She wanted to go out. She walked into her room and looked at her options of clothing. She threw on a grey form fitting shirt that had a dip in the neckline and black skinny jeans. She slid on her normal heels. She stared at her serpents jacket and sighed.

She slid it on, Feeling the cool leather onto her skin. She walked outside and hopped onto her bike, Driving down to the Whyte Wrym. 


She hopped off her bike and walked through the doors, Many serpents turned their head and whistled, She smirked as she walked to the back corner to see her brother sitting there, He looked up and smiled, Waving her over. She picked up speed and sat down in the empty chair.

"Hey, M. You remember Viper, Right?" 

"Of course i do, How could i forget the guy who made my pre-teen self wanna die." She joked, He laughed and ran a hand through his thick blonde hair. 

"Good to see you too, Mimi." He winked, She rolled her eyes, Bec's eyes traveled over towards the pool tables, Noticing three teenage serpents looking over to mila.

"Still got your admirers M." Bec laughed, Nudging his sister, He jutted his head towards the pool tables and she turned around following his gaze, She noticed the three serpents and smiled. "Go over there." He nudged. She looked over to her brother and then stood up and walked over. 

"And the queen returns." He smiled.

"It seems like that huh, Pea?" She smirked. He laughed slinging an arm over the girl, Toni topaz stood there with a large smile, Practically bouncing up and down. Mila pulled away from Sweet pea and engulfed Toni in a hug. 

"I've missed you." She pouted in the hug. 

"Well i don't think you will anymore." She smiled as she pulled away, Fangs and Sweet pea looked at the girl curiously. "I'm going back to Southside high." She smirked. The three cheered, Sweet pea pounding his fists on the pool table making Mila laugh. 

"Man, When i told you to come back i didn't think you'd actually do it." Sweet pea laughed, Fangs and Toni looked over to Mila and Sweet pea and then smirked at each other. They knew Mila and Jughead liked each other, But Sweet Pea like Mila, He always had. "So what are you doing on this side of the tracks?" He laughed.

"I don't have anything left for me on the Northside." She shrugged. Toni and Fangs smirked as Sweet pea grinned. 

"No more you and Jughead, Jinx?" He laughed, A small smile graced her lips as he wrapped his arm around her, "I thought you two were inseparable." He joked. 

"We are, Justin a little argument. But no need to bring up the past, Pea." She laughed.

"True, True. How about a game of pool?" He smirked. 

"Your on." She laughed. 

Bec watched from afar as his sister laughed with her friends, Yes Jughead might of been her best friend but he knew she had to hold back with him, And here she could be free. He was proud of his sister, She was confident in her snake skin. He thought, As well as everyone else on the Southside had thought, That jacket suited her. Even Jughead had thought so, He never gave her trouble for being a serpent, But when she had to do stuff for them he felt weird.  She could be happy. 

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