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         "Why are we even here jughead? Their not our friends anymore. They've made it clear. That we're to 'strange'"

"Betty tried apologizing." Mila rolled her eyes as they stopped at the side of the bleachers, "Betty is always gonna be your friend, And So is archie. Their just going through an identity crisis."

"Betty was my friend, And Archie was my friend. Your my friend. My best friend." She stated as her brown hair moved around her face in the wind, She looked around the field to see archie with grundy, "See, He's always gonna choose other people over us."

"Hey. Look at me. He's the one being stupid, He's gonna get them caught if they keep doing that, So don't. Okay? It's his loss."

"I know..." She looked back up to see Archie jogging towards them "Mhm, Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Jughead laughed as archie stopped in front of them.

"Girl trouble? You? No way." Jughead mocked. 

"Grundy and me are telling weatherbee."

"Now is it the both of you or just you?" 

"Okay just me, Jughead, Mimi. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what i said. I didn't mean it."  Jughead and Mila nodded.

"It's cool. But uh we arent gonna hug in front of all these people right? So lets just do the head thing and look like total douches." Jughead laughed. Mila still stayed quiet. 

"Yeah but as friends right?"

"To be discussed over many burgers and many days." Jughead laughed, Archie smiled and then looked over to Mila.

"M? Please?"

"I'm tired of the lies Archie, You broke me. You broke my heart archie, I told you how i felt about my parents and you used that against me, Yes i said i forgave you for it over the summer but this, You still lying to me, I hate you for it. But i still love you and want you as one of my best friends but i don't know if i could trust you anymore."

"Look, I screwed up. I know i did. But look, Let me take you and jug to pops tonight after the game and we'll talk. I'll do whatever it takes M. Okay?" Mila knew she couldn't stay mad at him forever, She  sighed and then looked up to archie.

"Fine, yeah okay..."

"Great! You won't regret it." He said as he ran off to play.


"Oh my god remember when i ate that whole bag of M&M's, I felt so sick afterwards." She laughed as they talked about her old nicknames. 

"Yep, Remember when i called you Angel? Jughead lost it." Archie stated with a look of terror, "I've never seen a ten year old that mad..."

"Hey, She's your M&M and she's my angel. We don't step on each other's territories." Jughead stated slightly smiling.  

"Yep, That's why your my doughnut and Jughead's my pancake."  She said smirking.

"I'm never gonna live down my doughnut days huh?" Jughead and Mila all shook their head laughing, The three walked into Pop's and they say betty and veronica. Betty smiled awkwardly at the group. 

"Wanna join us?" Jughead and Archie looked at Mila who nodded. 

"Sure, Why not."

"But only if your treating." Jughead added. The girls laughed as he and archie and Mila walked over to the table, Jughead slid in next to veronica as  Mila grabbed a chair and sat on the edge, "Jughead jones the third. And this angel on the end of the table is-"

"Mila james." 

"Jughead jones the third... Mhm. Interesting and i love your name, Mila so original. I'm Veronica lodge." 


Mila and Jughead sat in their seats in the front, The door had opened gaining the attention of the class, Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee stood at the door looking at Cheryl, "Your here for me aren't you? Because of the Autopsy?"

"Cheryl we don't have to do this in front of your classmates..."

"It's alright Principal Weatherbee, They'll find out soon enough."

"Now that won't be necessary..." Sheriff said cautiously.

"Find out what cheryl?" Veronica asked, Standing up. 

"That i'm guilty..." Everyone gasped, Plot twist. 

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