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Mila and Jughead were sat at a table outside during their free period, "You know i'm sorry, I didn't know betty was gonna say that."

"Of course you didn't. It's fine." Mila said while typing on her Laptop, And jughead was doing the same, Who looked up feeling bad that his best friend had been verbally attacked by the cooper girl, He stared at her with a sorry expression. She looked up feeling his stare and seeing his expression, "No really it's fine jug, I'm used to it." She said with a small smile.

"Um, So your mom's anniversary is coming up, Are we gonna go see her?" Jughead asked softly knowing it was a soft spot for her.

"Um, Yeah i mean i guess..." She stuttered out typing on her computer again. 


The news of Mila being a serpent had spread around school fast, Mila sat with jughead on the bleachers with Veronica, Kevin, Betty and Archie even though she didn't really pay attention because she had her headphones in listening to music. Archie and Jughead shared worried glances at Mila, Them both knowing that this month wasn't a good one, "What's up with you guys?" Veronica asked watching the way the two boys looked at Mila. 

"Mila's parents died this month when she was twelve, She gets really distant and we're worried." Jughead said looking at his best friend. Veronica and Betty shared guilty looks with each other, They had now felt bad about giving the girl a hard time about being a serpent, They were probably the only people she had besides jughead. Mila was oblivious to the fact that they were talking about her right next to her, But when her phone vibrated it caught her attention. 

'Meet me in the  parking lot.' 

She sighed smiling slightly standing up pulling her bag up and pulling out one of her headphones, "I'll be back i gotta go take care of something." She said starting to walk away but jughead grabbed her hand pulling her back.

"Where you going?"

"I'll be okay." She smiled as jughead dropped her hand and she walked away, Jughead sat back down putting his head in his hands. Mila started walking through the empty halls and she finally made it to the parking lot.

"Little sister, How've you been?"

"They know now, That i'm a serpent." She shrugged, "I've been thinking about coming home. If that's alright." 

"Of course it is M. I've missed having you around." He said running his fingers through his long brown hair, "But are you gonna be able to leave Jughead behind. You know he won't leave this place." Bec said motioning towards the school.

"Yeah, I know. But i think i might have to, Southside might be better for me than here." She said looking around the high school, "I don't really think there's anything for me here."

"Besides Jughead." Bec smirked making Mila glare at him, "What? It's obvious you two love each other, Well obvious to everyone except you two." She just rolled her eyes looking around the parking lot, "Come on. I wanna show you something." Mila hopped on the back of her brothers bike and speeding off.

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