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"Come on you two, We're celebrating!" Veronica called as the two teens walked into the student lounge. It was like the whole southside ordeal passed and they were all friends again. They walked over to a table by the vending machine and sat on it.

"Archie was just telling us how he got into this super exclusive music program." Kevin said.

"Maybe, It it does happen, It'd be huge." Archie said shrugging, But smiling. 

"Good job arch," Mila smiled, Taking a dollar out of her wallet and standing up and walking over to the machine to get chips, "Do you have to audition?" She asked putting the dollar in. 

"Uh, Not exactly." He said scratching the back of his neck. Mila pressed the buttons and grabbed the chips standing up and walking back over to jughead opening the bag, "Mrs. Blossom said she'd put in a good word for me." Archie smiled. Jughead grabbed the chip from Mila's hand, She narrowed her eyes at him and then grabbed another one and eating it.

"Amazing." Kevin smiled. 

"Terrifying." Veronica stated.

"Exactly, And what's she getting out of it?" Jughead asked.

"I have to take Cheryl to this tree tapping thing." Archie shrugged.

"Oh good, My jobs done then." Mila shrugged. Archie and Jughead looked at her confused and She looked at both of them and shrugged, "She needed me to convince Archie to go with here,which has already been done."

"Yeah uh that's weird, Anyways i talked to Valarie about it and she's cool with it." He shrugged. 

"So she's cool with you being a gigolo?" Jughead laughed. Archie looked to Jughead and narrowed his eyes then rolled them. 

"No, I'm just doing a simple favour to help my music. I need connections outside of Riverdale." Archie frowned. 

"That's the way the world works."  Veronica shrugged, "But Jughead's right, It is strange." Veronica said looking back at the two. Jughead looked to Mila who just shrugged, "These kind of favours come with a price tag." Archie looked at Veronica like she was crazy and she sighed turning to Betty, "Come on Betty, Back me up here."

"I think it's a great idea." She said smiling softly. Archie sighed smiling back at Betty.

"Thank you Betty." He smiled, She looked down sheepishly and then up to Jughead, Who was staring at Mila who was busy looking through her bag.

"Yeah, No problem. Hey and while your there would you talk to Polly for me?" She asked looking back at Archie, "I just want to make sure she's okay." She smiled.

"Of course, Yeah definitely." He said smiling and nodding. 

"Thank you." Betty grinned.

"And don't worry Ronnie, I can take care of myself." Archie told her, Grinning like a mad man. Veronica rolled her eyes, Poking her fork into a strawberry and then pointed it at Archie.

"Famous last words Archiekins." She shrugged, Popping the strawberry in her mouth. Jughead sighed and turned to Mila. 

"Hey Angel? Can i talk to you for a second?" He asked, She smiled and nodded he grabbed her hand, Making her suck in a breathe and following him to the corner of the room across the room. Jughead stopped and they sat in the small chairs, "Hey, About our poems..."

"Which were completely metaphorical..." Mila butted in.  

"Uh, Yeah... Yeah of course . Duh." He said nervously, "I mean why would someone profess their undying love in a poem, Right?" He said scratching the back of his neck, He looked up to see her confused, "I mean unless you did, B-because i-if y-y-you did... Then who would that be?" he asked.

"W-what? N-No i- No that would just be weird." She laughed nervously. 

"Oh yeah, Really weird. Like feelings? What the hell are those, Right?" He asked with an awkward laugh. 

"Exactly..." She said slowly, Trying not be go into a weird fit of laughter that turned into tears. 

"Yeah i mean, Since she didn't specify what we should right about i just chose that and what a coincidence that you did to. And it was like the easiest topic." He said looking down to his shoes.

"Uh yeah, Totally. It's not like i've had those feelings bottled up for weeks, Months even and rewrote it like twenty times to find the perfect words right?" She laughed, "Cause that would be  insane." She shrugged. 

"Exactly, And it's not like woke up at the crack of dawn to fix it and rewrite it either, Since it wasn't an actual confession. I mean we're already passing literature or anything. I mean it wouldn't affect out grade or anything." He laughed. 

"Exactly." She nodded, Tapping her finger on her arm, "So um, We're okay?"

"Yeah, Forever Angel." He smiled. 

"Great...." She said looking down. While back on the other side of the room, The rest looked at the two concerned.

"Are they okay?" Betty asked. 

"No clue..." Archie said shaking his head. They watched as Mila walked off, Hiking her bag up higher. They also watched as jughead ran his hands over his face and then walked out the door after her, "Oh this isn't going to be good." He sighed. 

"Maybe they're... Taking a break from each other?" Betty said.

"No, No way. M and Jughead not friends. That's the day the world ends."

"Well it looks like the worlds ending." Kevin said shaking his head.

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