Chapter 32: Blood will be spilled

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Song: Alligator by Monsta X

Hoseok pov:
I felt the blood drip out of the cut on my cheek that Thomas made with magic. I noticed the evil look in his eyes before saying the words no one ever wants to hear. I saw the spell coming towards me, I looked to the side and noticed Yoongi running towards me while screaming. No I thought when I found out that Yoongi was about to jump infront of me. And that was the moment I decide to ran towards the spell trying to stop Yoongi for sacrificing himself for me. Jungkook raised his wand at me, the spell and Thomas "Arresto momentum" making us slow down so everything was in slow-motion. I saw Maelyn turning around and facing Thomas, she pulled out her wand and smiled "Bombarda," making the ground he was on explode. But that explosion caused the spell from Jungkook to wear off but before I was hit I was pushed to the side with a body tumbling on top of me. The curse hit a tree who immediately showed signs of rotting. I looked up to see Yoongi on top of me breathing heavily.
"Please tell me we aren't dead."
"We aren't." Yoongi smiled before kissing me. I responded but he pulled back and slapped me across the face "Never scare me like that again."
"He looks like he is out cold." Namjoon murmurs kicking his foot against Thomas who was unconscious on the ground. Yoongi helped me up and together we walked to the others hand in hand.
"We should call headmistress McGonagall." Taehyung suggest.
"No need." Another voice says. We turned around to see all out teachers standing infront of us including the headmistress "I am here already." McGonagall replies before looking at Thomas before turning to professor Longbottom "Send a letter to Azkaban and tell them they have a new prisoner."
The teachers picked Thomas up and dragged him after them, leaving the headmistress and us all alone. "So does someone want to explain what happened?" she asks.

I cleared my throat "Well you see madam, Daisy was Thomas his sister and came here to befriend us so the prophecy couldn't be fulfilled. When she noticed I was on to her she kidnapped Jin and then we all came up with a plan to get him back."
"And where is Daisy now?" The headmistress asks us.
"I killed her." Maelyn speaks up "I had no choice, she was about to kill us."
"So the propachy did came true." She smiles "Maelyn killed Daisy, Yoongi captured Thomas and those actions defined that light will keep shining on us. The others were the companions and your blood was spilled."
"You are right." Jimin exclaims confused "I never noticed."
"That doesn't matter." McGonagall smiles "What matters is thet evil is once again defeated and that all of you are okay. I am proud of you children."
"Thank you." We all say at the same time.
"Now go to the infirmary to let them check up on your wounds," She orders us. As soon as she said that Jin collapsed again, all the adrenaline that kept him fighting left his body once he knew he was safe."
"Help me carry him." Namjoon asks Taehyung.
"What happened to him?" the headmistress asks concerned.
"He was tortured and used all his energy in the battle, I think that is the reason he collapsed." Jungkook tells her.
"Okay, I will meet you guys in the infirmary later but first I need to clean this up." She replies. I nodded and pulled Yoongi after me back towards Hogwarts.

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