Chapter 26: Broken heart

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Song: run devil run by girl's generation

Jimin pov:
"Daisy the boys and I are concerned about you, you aren't your usual self." I say playing with my wand in my hands.
"I am just worried about Jin." She snaps.
"I know you are, we all are." I say throwing my arm around her shoulder. I was about to kiss her until she pulled away.
"I can't do this anymore." She exclaims running her hand through her hair.
"This? I can't be with a mudblood like you."
"And why is that?" I raise my eyebrow trying to conceal the heart wrenching feeling I had inside.
She began to laugh like a crazy maniac "I still can't believe how stupid all of you are." She then pointed at me "Especially you, did you really think someone like me could ever love you."
I bit my lip trying to stop the tears that would escape my eyes "Then why did you agree to date?"
"I needed to get you guys to trust me and you were so in love with me, that you were an easy prey." She grins "I never loved you or cared about the others, the only thing I care about is a world were pure blood wizards rule."
"You are one of Thomas his followers." I exclaim getting a better grib on my wand.
"Oh Sweetie, I am his sister."
"You are an monster." I scream before raising my wand "Expelliarmus."
She chuckled while she blocked the spell " Oh Jimin, you know I preferred you over the others it would be a shame to kill you."
"Then don't kill me."
"Nah." She replies raising her arms "Avada Kedavra."
I Hold out my wand in front of me and blocked it but the impact of the spell was so powerful that it caused me to be throw through the wall.

I found myself on the wooden stairs and groaned out in pain, before I lifted my head to see Taehyung and Jungkook looking down at me in shock. I quickly got up and turned around to face Daisy "Stupify." I cast out. Taehyung and Jungkook looked in shock while I fired my spell at Daisy.
"Hyung what are you doing?" Jungkook says in shock.
"Fighting the reincarnation of the devil herself." I say through gritted teeth what caused Daisy to laugh.
"Did I hurt you feelings, pretty boy." She says before turning her attention on the two persons who just joined us. "Tsskk I thought we agreed you two would stay put outside."
"I thought you were on our side." I spit back.
"Seems like we can't all get what we want."
"It seems like it." I respond raising my wand to cast another spell until Taehyung stopped me.
"Where is Jin?" Taehyung asks the brunette infront of us.
Daisy laughs "Don't worry he will soon join us." Then she disappeared into the thin air.
"What just happened?" Jungkook asks me.
"I got my heart broken by the little sister of Thomas." I reply feeling anger consume me "God I am so stupid , if my stupid ass didn't have an crush on her then we would have never been in this situation."
"Jimin that is not true" Taehyung pats my shoulder before offering me his hand "Now get up and help us stop your crazy ex."
I took his hand while he helped me up "Let's go."

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