Chapter 3: Crushes

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Song: Get cool by Stray kids

Jimin pov:

I was looking outside the window of the Hufflepuff common room, thinking about Daisy. She was an angel. But my thoughts were rudely interrupted by someone jumping on me. I screamed before I noticed it was Hoseok who jumped upon me. "Thinking about Daisy?"
"No." I stutter.
"Ha you're lying." He replies "Maybe you should just ask her out?"
"Haha you're funny." I roll my eyes "No one wants to date me."
"Oh come on Chim. Everyone wants to date you, if I didn't know you were straight I would for sure claim your ass."
I huff"You are just saying that to make me feel better."
"I am not."
"You are"
"I am not." Hoseok replies again.
"Guys stop bickering." Rose a fellow Hufflepuff replies before returning her attention to the book in her hand.
"I am so glad my best friend is in love." Hoseok replies while tackling me.
"Hobi can you please get off? you are crushing me."
"Did you just call me fat?" Hoseok gasped dramatically.
"What? No?." I reply quickly.
Hoseok laughed "I know I am just joking with you." he then got off me and offered to help me up. I took his hand so he could pull me up.
"I am hungry." I reply.
"Well then let's go full your belly." He smiles before pushing me back on the couch "Last on in the great hall is a rotten tomato."
"Hey that is not fair." I whine before running after him.

Namjoon pov:

The guy next to me in poisons class was really quiet, I have noticed him before but I never had the guts to talk to him. His beauty was breath taking making me glance his way a few times during the lesson. He was always alone, focusing on his subjects or with a brown haired girl of his house. when the class ended he stood up and walked out of the classroom, not bothering to ask me to give his quill back. Maybe this was my change to talk to him. I was about to walk after him until someone grabbed my sleeve. I turned my head to see a certain blue haired girl with a smile on her face "Where are you running off too." She asks innocently.
"Maelyn I am going after that guy." I reply to my friend.
"You are chasing Kim Seokjin?" she questions raising her eyebrow amused.
"Yeah I borrowed his quill and want to give it back." I tell her.
"Sure" She hummed "I know that isn't the only reason."
"It is."
"Okay then give me the quill, I have charms with him tomorrow." Maelyn smirks.
"What no." I quickly reply.
"You aren't a good liar my friend." She pats my back "Let's go meet my brother, he must be in the great hall already."

We were on our way to the great Hall when we heard a girl whimpering "Please I can barely get my own homework done."
Maelyn looked at me and walked over to the sound "What is going on?"
"Nothing that concerns you, now leave." A boy from Slytherin replied while his blond friend snickered. I looked over at the girl from Hufflepuff who sat on the floor.
"I don't think this girl appreciate your presence." I reply glaring at the two boys.
"What do you know?" The blond cocked his eyebrow.
"Do you need help?" I ask her smiling. She shakes her head looking at the boys infront of her.
"See I told you." the other replies smirking.
"I don't buy it." I say "I suggest you leave before something else happens."
"What are you going to do?" the blond challenges me.
"He isn't going to do anything but I will turn you two into ferrets." Maelyn threatens.
"I wouldn't doubt her if I was you." I chuckle.
The two Slytherins glared at us before walking away "This isn't over yet."
"Yeah well for your sake I hope it is." Maelyn calls after them before offering her hand to help the girl up. "You okay?" she asks the girl.
"Yeah thank you, my name is Jisoo"
"I am Maelyn and this is Namjoon."
"What did they want from you?" I ask her.
Jisoo looked up with a small smile "They kind of force me to make their homework."
"Why do you make it?"
"I don't want to cause any problems. " she replies
"You should stand up more for yourself." Maelyn smiles.
"I try to." She replies "But I have to go now. Once again thank you." Then she ran off leaving us n the hallway.
"So diner?" I ask my blue haired friend who was still starring at Jisoo.

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