Chapter 6: Fear

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Song: Boy in Luv by BTS

Namjoon pov:
One thing that I couldn't stop thinking about was why there were dementors in Hogsmeade in the first place. I was walking towards my Alchemy class and when I entered I noticed Jin sitting at a table. I smiled and took a seat next to him "I didn't know you took this class."
"I do for a few years now." Jin answers with a smile.
"Oh I still have your quill." I say rummaging through my backpack before handing it back to him.
"Thank you." he takes it.
"Hey Jin what do you think about what happened yesterday?"
"A lot of things happened yesterday, can you be more specific." He questions
"Why do you think the dementors visited Hogsmeade?" I ask but Jin kept quiet. "You know more don't you?"
Jin looked back at me his eyes filled with fear "Not here."
"What?" I ask him.
"When everyone leaves meet me in the boys restroom on the second floor, it is mostly empty around that time." He whispers before the professor walked in. I looked at Jin and wondered what made him so afraid.

After class Jin stormed outside. I waited until everyone was out before I made my way over to the restroom on the second floor. I was about to enter before a hand grabbed my tie pulling me inside. the door closed behind me and I was pushed against the door with a hand clamped over my mouth. "Stay quiet." Jin whispers in my ear. I could feel his breath tickle my skin and a shiver went down my spine. I looked at Jin and noticed he had little sparkles in his eyes and lips that looked really kissable, I wonder how his lips would taste. Jin then removed his hand from my mouth and took out his wand, he raised it and muttered the Imperturbable Charm. He casted a spell to make the room soundproof so no one could hear what they were talking about.

"Why are you afraid Jin?" I ask him placing my hand on his cheek.
He leaned into my touch and let out a sigh "There is this person, I do not know his name but he is recruiting followers. He was at my house last summer to talk to my parents I tried to eavesdrop but I could only hear little bitts of the conversation." Jin flutters his eyes shut " He said something about a nephew from he who must not be named and about recruiting followers by using dementors. I think he uses them to suck out happy memories from people so that they think that following him is the solution for returning their happiness. "
"Then why did he come after Yoongi?" I ask him.
"I guess Yoongi possess a lot of bad memories so he is an easy target." Jin replies.
"I should have thought about that." I respond.
"Yes you should I thought you were supposed to be smart." Jin smirks.
"I am smart." I reply walking closer to him "I just wanted you to feel good since you know an answer."
"You can make me feel good in other ways." Jin licks his lips before grabbing my arm pulling me closer to him. I felt a blush creep on my face. "But you kind of hurt my feelings." He whispers before letting go off me, he mumbled an counter spell and walked out of the restroom leaving me confused and speechless behind.
"What just happened?" I mutter under my breath before leaving also.

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