Chapter 8: Min Family

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Song: Tempo by Exo

3rd person pov:
A few weeks had passed and the group became closer. They were currently in the great hall eating all together at the Gryffindor table in the great hall getting weird glances from their housemates. The teachers on the other hand gave them smiles, they were happy that these kids didn't want to hang out with only their own house mates. Jimin and Daisy confessed their feelings to each other and were now happily dating. Hoseok on the other hand couldn't help but stare at Yoongi during dinner and classes, the black haired male had an aura around him that draw the redhead in. Yoongi noticed that Hoseok was starring at him but he shrugged it off, he couldn't be interested in the red, knowing what his parents will do when they found out about his sexuality. Namjoon and Jin were subtly undressing each other when the other didn't look. Taehyung was thinking how to confess his love to Jungkook while Jungkook could only think about his upcoming quidditch game and was talking to Maelyn about it. So everything was peaceful as it should be, but little did they know that the peace will be disturbed.

While the group was eating, the house Min had uninvited guests. Mrs Min opened the door and tried to close it when she saw who was infront of her door "You are not welcome here."
"Tssk" The man clicked his tong "That is no way to talk to your lord."
"You aren't my lord, now leave." She hissed grabbing her wand out of her back pocket.
"I only want to talk." He smirks pushing her against the door, making mrs Min stumble back. The door opened and the stranger walked in. "take a seat and call for your husband." He demanded. Mrs Min did what he said and called her husband down, who came down the stairs confused but when he saw who was in his living room, he smiled and embraced the male. Mrs Min looked at the duo with wide eyes "What is going on?" She asks.
"Honey, he is the answer for all our problems." Mr Min replies "He wants to finish his uncle's work making the muggle's bow down to us and ban the mudbloods."
"That is just cruel, we are living in peace now." She exclaims.
"Oh mrs Min." The guy chuckled "The children of those muggles aren't good enough to posses magic. Did you know that your children are friends with two mud bloods."
"Those kids can't help it by being born as a muggle." Mrs Min replies.
"Mrs Min, it is time to choose your side. It is either me or them." The man says.
Mrs Min chuckled "I regret not stopping you when you exiled our children but this time I will follow what I think is good." She tells her husband before turning to the cloaked stranger "I will never follow you."
"So be it." The man sighs "Avada kedavra."
Mrs Min fell on the ground dead when the spell casted by the stranger hit her. Her husband looked with wide eyes. "it had to be done, she would only stand in our way. You will find a new wife." The man replies.
"Yes master." Mr Min answers starring at his wife's dead body
"Now I need you to take me inside the ministry there is a prophecy that is about me that I need to see."
"Yes sir." Mr Min replies "Follow me."

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