Chapter 9: Tree Climbing

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'Oh, Inari! Where were you?' Tazuna said.

The little boy ran towards him and tackled him in a hug. 'I'm home, grandpa.'

'Inari, say hello to them.' his mother said sternly, hands on her hips. 'These are ninjas that escorted grandpa.'

'It's okay, right, Inari?' Tazuna smiled, patting Inari on the head.

Inari regarded us with cold eyes before turning to his mother. 'Mom, they're going to die. There's no way a person can win by going against Gatoh.'

I rested my cheek on my palm. 'Gee, aren't you a bright little fellow?' I muttered to myself.

'What did you say, you brat?!' Naruto raged. 'Listen up. I'm a superhero that's going to become a great ninja known as the Hokage. I don't know who this Gatoh or Chocolate is -' I snorted in amusement. Chocolate? Really, Naruto? ' -but he's no enemy of mine.'

Inari scoffed. 'A hero? How stupid. There's no such thing as a hero.'

Naruto choked. 'Wha - why you!'

He started to walk towards Inari but I grabbed him by the arms.

'Naruto, don't!' I said, tightening my grip on him.

'If you don't want to die, go home.' Inari told us coldly before walking out of the room, leaving us all dumbfounded.


'We will now begin the training,' Kakashi sensei said, leaning on to his crutches for support as we reached a forest.


'But before that, let me once again talk about Chakra,' sensei continued.

'At a time like this?' Sasuke said boredly.

'I already know about that,' Naruto said cheerfully. 'Chatra, right?'

I blinked at him before bursting out into laughter. 'Cha-chatra?'

'What's so funny?' Naruto looked at me questionably.

Kakashi sensei sighed exasperatedly. 'It's Chakra,' he the motioned Sakura to explain. 'Okay, Sakura.'

'Listen, Naruto. I'm going to explain this in a simple manner to save time.' Sakura said, trying to sound all professional like, causing me to roll my eyes and smirk. 'Chakra is energy that that a ninja needs to utilize a technique. That energy comes from the body energy that is collected from every cell in the body and from the spirit energy that comes from training and experience.'

'Correct,' Sensei said, resting his hand under his chin. 'Iruka sensei was blessed with a nice student, I see.'

I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him an 'are you kidding me?' look. 'So what are we? Horrible students?' I said, folding my arms.

Sensei laughed sheepishly before putting a hand on my head. 'Don't be like that, Makoto. Nobody likes a grumpy girl,'

'So apparently everybody likes grumpy boys?' I said, looking over to Sasuke who in turn, glared at me.

Kakashi sensei sighed and walked in between Sasuke and me before saying, 'You're going to learn how to control Chakra with your body. You must go through vigorous training where you put your life on the line.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'What exactly are we going to do?'

'Climb a tree,' he answered simply.

I blinked, thinking I heard wrongly. 'I - I'm sorry, what?'

'Climb a tree,' he repeated. 'But it's not ordinary tree climbing - you're going to climb without using your hands.'

'How do we do that,' Sakura said, skeptically.

Hello, Heartache ~Uchiha Sasuke Love story~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz