I grinned as an idea hit me, and started designing coral reefs with solid canopies for each island, which would not only provide the dirt and plants with nutrients and physical support, but also provide a sheltered reef for the fish, which would be nearly impenetrable by any predators. The Thanagarian Salt-Snakes would filter some of the water, making ponds and streams on the surface, which would provide clean drinking water to the animals and the plants.

"Ingenious... the Salt-Snakes will protect the fish from sea-predators, and also provide clean water to the surface animals and the trees! And the Barrier Reefs will hide the Dome, which will keep out any outside people or diseased animals, ensuring a proper breeding ground for the selected breeds... does this seem a little like playing god to you? Sofia warned me to inform you if you started playing god."

I smiled. "No, darlin', I'm not playing god, I'm just being a conservation scientist. If I started trying to alter the animals to suit my needs, that would be crossing a line. I'm just saving these species', because they're part of the global Ecosystem, and they're dying out. They need a hero just as much as the humans do, and seeing as the only proponents of The Green on this planet are villains, I'm doing my best."

"Alright... I'll remember that, if you ever start creating your own special animals."

"Oh, I do hope so. After all, looking after my Psyche and making sure I don't turn into a super villain or a mad scientist is your prime directive, Helix." I frowned.

"Of course, Erin. Either way, the islands will be started, once we have permission to alter them. Most are in international waters, so we just need to inform the agencies that record mapping of ocean currents, then we can begin. Though, I do have to ask, where will the coral get sunlight?"

"They won't, of course, the ones under the islands. The ones around the island will get their sunlight naturally, but the ones under the island will prey on the bodies of the fishes. It's Scavenger Coral, the subterranean sort, therefore it doesn't require sunlight." I explained.

"Ah, I see. Alright, I'll get to work... and it seems we have visitors. Engaging defenses, quietly." The plane whipped into a slide, circling my island, and I identified Kaldur and Aquaman.

"They're Allies, Idjit!" I sighed, and dropped out of the jet as it turned to smoke around me. I landed with a small, near-silent splash of water behind them, and stood as they both whipped around, aiming weapons at me until they recognized me. "How rude...ah well! 'Ello, boys, what brings you here?" I asked casually, and walked past them into the Tea-House.

"Hello, Doctor Erin. I hear you've branched out into psychotherapy, now?" Aquaman asked, sitting on the edge of the porch.

"An experiment, nothing more. Now if it works, well... then I might deign to work in the lower sciences yet again. I'm already dealing in Marine Science, after all, so really, how much lower can I go on the scientific community totem pole?" I chuckled.

He snorted. "You know, that's slightly insulting, considering you're talking to two Atlanteans."

"And? You're not a subject of Marine Biology. You're a subject of Sub-Aquatic Mammalian Biology, and as such are a member of the Standard Biology subcategory of Meta/InHuman Biology. Marine Biology is Fish, Arthur Curry. You may be able to speak to them, but you're not a Fish... unless you've got something to tell us all?" I smiled at him teasingly, and began brewing a pot of coffee.

He nodded. "I do, actually. We were here to invite you to come to the watchtower. We've got something of an announcement to make."

"Has your son been born? Congratulations, I wasn't sure how long an Atlantean's Gestation period was." I hummed, and poured the coffee as it finished brewing almost instantly, because of the super-thermal temperature of the water, a product of my own making.

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