Chapter 14

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Zack's POV

"What the hell happened?!" Sam asks. "Owen happened." I said. "We need to get her to a hospital." Caleb says. "No, no hospital, she made me promise not to take her there." I said. "Well then let's go by your house and the doctors there will help her." Sam says to me. "Ok, but one problem, we don't have a car and a Blair is the one who hotwired the car while I stood observing her." I said. "Uber."Sam and Caleb says in union.

A few minutes later, the Uber arrives. We all get in and I give the driver the directions for my house. Blair was on my lap breathing heavily and clutching her shoulder. I move some blood encrusted hair away from her face and frown down at her. I knew something bad was gonna happen, I just didn't know what. The driver said nothing but kept looking back at Blair with concern in his eyes. We finally reach my house. Well some of you would say mansion but to me, it's a house, just bigger than the average size. We all exit the Uber and Sam hands the driver the money. "I hope she gets the help she needs." He says to us.

The gate opens for me and I run towards my door and kick it with my foot to make some sort of sound so that someone inside can hear me. The door opens and Lexa, my maid frowns as she sees me but then her eyes divert to Blair in my arms. She has a shocked expression on her face. "What on earth happened?" She asks, her voice wavering. "Is Millie here?" I ask. "Yes, in her office." Lexa says. As soon as she says that, I rush down the hall and head to Millie's office. I don't knock and just barge in, kicking the slightly ajar door open with my foot.

"What the hell?" Millie looks up in shock. She is a blonde green eyed 25 year old woman that was the smartest in her class and has known my parents for a long while. "Oh my god!" She exclaims when she notices Blair in my arms. "Quickly, lay her down on the operating table." Millie says pushing the papers that was on the operating table onto the floor. I gently lay Blair down while Millie sticks an injection filled with a clear liquid into her neck. "What the fuck?!" I shout. "Relax, this is just to numb her body so she doesn't feel....much." Millie shrugs. I stare at her with my mouth open.

"Chill lover boy, she's in good hands...hopefully." Millie laughs. I glare at her. "If She isn't fixed and still in pain when you're done with her, I'm killing you." I growl. Millie takes out some medical supplies while looking at me with a bored expression on her face. "Don't you forget, I'm the one with the body- cutting materials and the injections." She smirks. "Now go and put on some rock music so I can do my work." She orders me.

I sigh and put on some music from my rock playlist. Under pressure begins to play. Are you kidding me?! Millie lets out a loud laugh. "Ha! Karma baby!" She shouts. She pulls off Blair's t-shirt and I feel my cheeks heat up. "I can tell you're blushing over there." Millie says. Her back is facing me. "Do you have eyes behind you're head or something?" I mutter. "Oh, of course." She says creepily.

She pulls out a bottle of something-I think disinfectant- and puts it on a cotton ball and begins gently wiping away the blood that covers Blair's face and body. She puts it on the side of her and calls me over. I walk over to her and avoid my eyes from looking at Blair's certain area. Millie sniggers. "Ok, I need you to hold her down, I'm just gonna check something, this is going to hurt depending on how the numbing substance works in her body." I hold Blair down, her skin is cold and slightly clammy.

Millie puts on her glasses and looks closely at Blair's shoulder. She pokes it and Blair flinches slightly, even though she is unconscious. "Yup, just what I thought, it's dislocated, almost broken but luckily it wasn't." She says. "I'm gonna twist it back in place, hold her down with all your strength" Millie says. I nod my head and put more force on Blair's arm and legs. "3, 2,!" Millie says twisting Blair's arm back in place. There is a sickening crack that takes up the silence after. "Ok, I'll just clean up her bruises and patch up what needs to be fixed, make sure nothing else is broken and then I'll be finished, you can leave if you'd like." Millie tells me.

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