Chapter 1

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Rays of sunlight shine brightly through the sheer curtains.
My alarm clock beeps but I don't budge. Just 5 more minutes, I tell myself . Then I remember something and I shoot up , eyes wide . Today is the first day of school . I let out a groan and slowly roll off the bed .

I walk towards my connecting bathroom and get ready for hell .
I open the doors to my walk-in-closet and look at the many articles of clothing . I choose black ripped jeans and a white crop top , I pair it with a black leather jacket . I curl my shoulder length brown hair that has purple at the bottom half and apply eyeliner to my eyes . Why only eyeliner ? Because I have clear skin so I don't need any concealer or all that stuff...also I like eyeliner , it makes my green eyes pop .

I walk downstairs and see my brother  having breakfast , I sit at the table and go to take a waffle but my brother stops me .
"That's mine !" He says .
"You have one on your plate ." I point out .
"So , I can take that one ." I say .
"I made the waffles so it's mine ." He says .
I sigh and grab a granola bar and walk out the door .

My brother is a duchebag , he's younger than me by a year and is or was very popular at his school .
We moved to California because I did something I shouldn't have .
Those are not my words .
Those were the words of the principal at my old school , the one I got expelled from .
My parents are always working and they never really call to ask if we're fine or not .
The only times they do , they only ask about my brother .

I follow the directions that I memorised when I arrived here to my school .
I walk in and everyone's eyes are on me . I swear people have nothing better to do with their lives anymore . I hear the boys talking about how hot I look and the girls calling me a slut . First of all , I know I'm hot and secondly , did those girls ever take a look in the a really good look? I don't think so .

I walk in school and head towards the guidance office .
I give her my name and address and she gave me my map and schedule which has my locker information on it. I thank her and walk towards my locker. While walking the hallways towards my locker , I bump into a, not a wall....a living ,breathing, human .

"Watch where you're going ." He angrily muttered.

I knew that voice anywhere . I looked up and saw him there , he stood tall in a white t-shirt and black jeans , he stared at the ceiling .
"Well, well, well, hello asshole ." I say .
His eyes widen .
Yeah , surprise bitch!
"What the fuck are you doing here ?!" He asks .
He was staring at me now , hate evident in his eyes .
"Apparently bumping into you ." I say .
"I hate you !" He says .
"Actions speak louder that words ." I say .
I punch him in the face and he fell down holding his jaw .
"I hope it hurt ." I say .
Then I casually walk away like nothing ever happened .

I finally find my locker and open it . I check my watch and see that I have only five more minutes to reach to class , on cue the warning bell goes off . I check my schedule and see that I have math first, room 209. I guess I can do two things , either skip math or be late on the first day of school .
I turn around but see a teacher watching me . I guess I have to go. I hate math.

After a year and a half of searching , I find room 209.
I open the door and I am greeted with stares and a glare of the teacher who is sporting a bald head and stress marks on his forehead , he also happens to have sweat stains and he wears glasses .
Yay! Note the sarcasm .
"Who are you ?" He asks not so nicely .
"I'm a demon sent from hell ." I reply bluntly .
His glare hardens "I'm joking , I'm new, obviously, We wouldn't want you getting any more wrinkles on your forehead now would we ?" I say . The class erupts with laughter.

I walk in the class and take a bow.
"Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.......probably." I say .
The teacher sighs.
"Take a seat." He says.
I take a seat in the back, near the window. "Could you stand and introduce yourself?" He asks.
I sigh "Do I have to?" I ask.
"Yes." He says, clearly annoyed with my behaviour.
I stand "Hi, my name is-..."
I am interrupted by the door swinging open and a specific asshole leaning against it.

"Mr.Ryder, why are you late!" The teacher asks .
"Because I wanted to be fashionably late." He says.
Yeah right, he's late because he had to recover from the punch that I gave him.
"Just take a seat." The teacher says.
He takes a seat at the other end of the class.
" you may now continue your introduction." The teacher says to me.
Asshole's eyes meet mine and they darken in anger.
I give him a tight lipped smile and continue with my introduction.
"Hi, my name is Blair and I hate most people, especially those who bother me just for the sake of bothering me. If you do that, say goodbye to your loved ones and finish your bucket lists because if I don't kill you, I can assure you that you will have nightmares about me in your sleep. And for the people who want to piss me off because they think that it'll be fun.....I don't think you'd want to do that." I say, ending my introduction with a glare directed to the class.

All this time, I see him glaring at me, never breaking eye contact.


Hey guys, this book is dedicated to a boy that I once liked and now hate with a passion.
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I hate you !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt