Chapter 13

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"Ahhhhh watch out you freak!" A mother pushing a pram screamed at us. Zack and I were currently in the supermarket with me in the trolley and him running and pushing the trolley. We were laughing our asses off and people stared but we didn't care. We didn't come to buy anything just to hang out. I know right, you're probably thinking: what teen hangs out in a supermarket?
We do. We hang out in a supermarket, thank you very much.

Zack stopped the trolley and I jumped out still laughing while trying to catch my breath. "Uhh Blair?" He calls. "Yeah?" I ask, my breathing finally back to normal. "The manager is glaring at us." Zack eyes widen. "Time to leave?" I ask. "Time to leave." Zack says while grabbing onto my hand and running out of the store. We bolt to the car we stole and drive away from the supermarket. "That was fun!" I shout. "I don't know why but I'm feeling like really hyped right now and it's probably the adrenaline." I tell him in a fast paced tone. He laughs.

"We should probably get back to school." Zack says. "Yeah we need to return the car." I state.
We head back to school and luckily it's lunchtime there. We park the car back in the spot we got it and step out. "What the-" the boy who owns the car screams and runs over to us. "You two stole my bloody car?!" He shouts. We just laugh at him and walk around the poor guy who has his mouth hanging open and is glaring at us. We walk to the school doors and Zack opens it for me. "Thanks." I smile at him.

Once he is inside I race him to the cafeteria. I only won because he was walking slowly behind me. "You do know that was a race right?" I ask him once we approach the cafeteria doors. "I knew." He said, staring at me a little too closely. I roll my eyes and drag him inside the cafeteria to find our friends. "Zack, Blair, over here!"Sam shouts. We turn around and spot him and the boys sitting around a table in the far left corner of the room. This time, Zack drags me to the table. "What is with all this dragging?" I mutter. His lips quirk up slightly but nothing more than that.

"Hey guys what's with the rumour that you stole a car?"Owen asks. "Oh, that isn't a rumour, we did steal someone's car." Zack shrugs. "You what?!" Owen shouts. "Oh chill out, mr rules." I tell him. He doesn't listen to me. "Do you know how much trouble you can get in for stealing a car?!" He shouts again. By now, Owen was off from his chair and in my face. "Dude, sit your ass down. It was just a little fun they were having." Sam says rolling his eyes. Owen turns around to face Sam, an angry expression on his face. "Fine, but if they end up in jail, I'm not bailing them out." Owen says, his tone final and walks out of the cafeteria.

Caleb looks at me his expression matching mine. Confusion. I shrug it off and he shrugs as well. "Don't know what that was about." Zack says. "Meh. I'm hungry." I tell him. "We ate like 30 minutes ago." Zack says checking his watch. "I'm a growing girl, now go get me food." I tell him, kicking his chair so it wobbles a bit. Zack gives me a look and gets off the chair. "Fine." He sighs. "Whipped cough cough whipped." Caleb says. We all turn to look at him and then burst out laughing. Zack has a little pink on his cheeks but still manages to laugh. Then he looks at me, a lopsided smile on his face and goes to get me food.

When he returns, Owen walks in and snatches his bag from under his seat. He glares at all of us and then walks over to Sam, where he sticks his hands in his pocket and roughly pulls out his keys. "I'm leaving." Owen says. "What?" Sam asks. "Are you deaf, Samuel? I said that I am leaving." Owen spits. Sam stares at Owen open mouthed. Owen takes one more look at us and then scoffs. Then he turns to leave. "Oh and to be clear, when I said I was leaving, I meant I was leaving for good." Owen calls over his shoulder. He walks out.

I look at Sam and the rest of the boys. Their faces are filled with pain and sadness. "I'll be back." I tell a spaced out Zack. Before I go, I take the tray from him and place it on the table so that he wouldn't accidentally drop it. I run after Owen and I reach the door before someone grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "Wait." Zack says. "What? I need to go." I tell him trying to get him to release my wrist. "Please don't go, he's a hotheaded mess right now and he can blow up any second and hurt someone." He said, his eyes says ring directly into mine. "I'll be fine, I beat you up, didn't I?" I say smirking a little. Zack releases my wrist, a frown still on his face.

I hate you !Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang