Promises and Goodbyes

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Edited 6-24-19

It's been six days since Wills wife, Sarah passed away. Things have been quiet, uneasy, stressful and depressing.

Today was her funeral. I've been released from the hospital and Drift was taking me there. Though he moved slower than the rest of the bots because he was still recovering.

We had left a bit earlier because of that reason. We wanted to be alone as well, have some time alone. We sat in silence, not entirely sure what to say.

When we arrived at the funeral home, Will and Annabelle the only ones there to have time alone.

I stepped out of Drifts alt-mode, he closed the door and I leaned against him. "We will all be there with you, Ivy. "

He said. "I know. And I understand if you want to stay outside. "

I spoke quietly. I felt Drift shift on his wheels. He blames himself for her death, just as much as I did. But I was here for Will and Anna.

I owed Sarah this much. She saved me and Casey... and died for it.

"I'll be fine. I'll meet you inside soon. I'm going to wait for the others. " I nodded and shuffled my way inside.

Will was holding his wife's hand, silent tears running down his cheeks. Annabelle was clutching to Wills leg with one arm and gripping the edge of the casket with the other sobbing.

I felt my eyes sting. I had cried so much already. I didn't think I had it in me to do it again.

Will turned hearing my suppressed cry. I tried holding it in. Annabelle turned to see what he dad was looking at me and let go of him. She sprinted full speed towards me. I knelt down, meeting her embrace as she barreled into me.

Her tiny arms wrapped around my neck and her sobs were muffled into my shirt. We hadn't done a fancy dressed funeral. Just simple plain clothing. Sarah was never one for formality or fancy things.

I stood with the young girl in my arms and walked over to Will. He gave me a sad smile, rubbing his daughters back affectionately. I held Annabelle with one arm and placed my free hand on his arm.

"Do you want a minuet alone...? " I asked. When I meant alone, I meant alone alone.

Without Annabelle as well. He shook his head. "No. It's okay... I want us all here. She'd want that. You're all family. "

I looked away. "I wouldn't be so sure about that anymore. " I said sadly.

"You are a part of this family Ivory. This wasn't your fault. Nor was it Drift. Things just... happen sometimes. "

He said glancing down at his wife's peaceful face. He sighed. Annabelle sniffed, lifting her head. "Daddy? Can we go see if Hide is here?"

She asked. "They should be here by now. Might be waiting outside. " I mentioned.

He nodded taking her in his arms. They left, the brown wooden doors closing softly behind them. I shuffled closer to her casket. I took her hand gently and let the tears fall.

"I'm so sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen. "

I wiped my face with my arm. "If I was stronger I could've done something. If I was stronger I could've saved you... " There was a moment of silence.

"You are stronger than you believe, Ivory. "

A woman's voice spoke from behind me. I spun around, in shock to see... "Sarah...? "

She bowed her head once. She was...beautiful in the moment. Her white dress flowed behind her, her blonde hair half up and half down and curly. Her eyes shine brightly and her smile was huge.

"But how? " I asked.

"Because you are special. And you are what keeps all of them out there together. You are their bridge. As well as mine. "

"Bridge? " I asked.

"The bridge that allows me to move to the other side. " She explained.

"How am I the bridge? " I asked confused.

"Because. Your are stronger, and more powerful then you will ever know. And I know what you've been considering. You mustn't. You leave all of them, they will be devastated. "

She knew... that I planned to leave...?

"But every time someone gets hurt, it's because they're around me. They'd be safer with me gone. " I said sadly.

She came forward, placing a hand on my showdown. It was warm... comforting.

"That is not true. You are so much more important to them than anything. Every single one of them care about you. Leaving will only worsen things. " I let out a sob. She hugged me.

"Promise me a few things? "

I pulled back. "Do not ever doubt yourself. Do not ever leave those bots. And watch out for my little girl. " I sobbed louder and wiped my eyes.

"Okay. I-I promise. " She smiled. Just then Will, Annabelle and the others came in.

"It's time for me to go. "

She said softly. I nodded holding out my hand. She took it gently and she glowed brightly. She left in a strong breeze. She disappeared for good. I noticed everyone staring behind me with wide eyes. I turned to see her floating above her casket. She smiled sweetly.

Will and Annabelle went forward. She came down and kissed Will passionately. She pulled away, much to his disappointment. She knelt down and took her little girl in her arms.

"I love you so much. " She pulled away, floating back up to her casket. Wills hand dropping as she got farther from him. She turned one last time, looking at me.

"Remember your promises. "

She smiled at Will and Annabelle before fading completely. Everything was silent. Besides from Annabelle's small cries.

I felt a strong hand on my back. "Ironhide... "

I said softly, recognizing him just by his boots. I hadn't looked up from the floor yet... I too afraid to meet Wills eyes. He said it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't help but feel guilty they were here right now.

Ironhide sighed and took me into his arms. They wrapped around me tightly. I wrapped mine around his middle and silently cried.

"It's alright kid. " He comforted.  Drift came forward, nodding at Ironhide before letting go and Drift replacing him. Ironhide picked up Annabelle and let her cling to him tightly.

I sighed. "Everything will be okay. "

Drift said to me.

"I promise. "

I Found An AutobotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora