Lost and Found

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Edited 6-19-19

"Casey, grab my hand. "

He jumped taking my hand, I pulled him up and we stood on the ledge where the computer we needed was. We had finally made it to the communication room where we'd find Drifts memory drive, but it took awhile to get up here.

I looked over at Casey as he examined the large computer and cybertronian symbols. It's crazy, I just met him like a day ago and we're already fighting for our lives. This is definitely NOT how I expected this to go. I haven't even had time to fully process the fact that I have a biological brother.

I can't think of that now though, we need to focus on finding Drifts memories. I pressed the large butting and the computer changed to a list of files and named. My heart sank.

"What language is that...? " Casey asked. His eyes darting across the huge screen.

"Everything's in cybertronian...! " I banged on the computer in aggravation. I couldn't possibly figure this out by myself.

"Optimus. " I commend through my bracelet.

"Have you reached the communication room? "

"We have. There's a slight problem. " I asked sadly.

"What is it? " He asked worried.

"It's all in cybertronian... "

He vented. "I assumed it would be. I need you to tell me what you see the best you can. "

"Okay... Umm there are six rows and from what I can tell are numbers. "

I knew a TINY bit of cybertronian. Just basics like a few numbers and how to spell my name, Optimus name and Drifts name.

Wait.... I can use that!

"Hold on Optimus. I might be able to figure this out after all. If they put Drifts name on his file then I can find it. "

"How? " He asked.

"Drift. He taught me a few things. I'm glad he did. " I chuckled lightly.

"As am I. Contact me when you find it. I will talk you through how to get them if not. "

"You got it. " I brought the bracelet on my wrist back down to the large keyboard and scanned for Drifts name in cybertronian.

"What're you doing Ivy? " Casey asked, completely deaf to the conversation I just had with Optimus. He had been so focused on the strange letters and symbols dancing across the screen.

"Looking for Drifts name in these files to find his memory drive... "

"You can read alien?! " He exclaimed.

"Some. Not a lot... barely any. But with what I'm looking for I can. "

He looked impressed. I chuckled and continued looking through the files. The room turned red and there was steady flashing light on the wall. "Oh no... "

I whispered.

"Warning! Alien Prisoner 6398 has escaped as well as the human prisoners 6899 and 6900! You have been given confirmation for a shoot to kill process. Again, shoot to kill! "

This wasn't good. I sped up my process. They said the alien prisoner was number 6398 so maybe I could look for that number as well. I was anxiously looking and couldn't find it. Theyre were hundreds of files here. I didn't have enough time!

I did the next best thing. I sent out an SOS message to the Autobots. Just as it sent the computer shut down. I gasped. "What?! No no no no..! "

"What happened?! "

"I- I don't know! It just turned off! " I yelled. The doors opened and gunshots rang out. I pushed Casey down feeling a white hot pain in my shoulder. I pressed my hand to it feeling a warm sticky wetness. "Crap. "

I muttered as I dragged Casey behind the computer to hide while still holding my shoulder. Both hands were bloody now. Casey looked at the wrist I was just holding with terror.

"Why is there blood... I'm not- oh no... Ivy!? "

I looked away not meeting his gaze. "Ivy! "

He said louder. "It's fine! Be quite before they find us! " I hushed.

"But- "

"It's not important. Just shush. "  I tried brushing it off as such, but it hurt... A lot...

I pressed the bracelet and brought it to my lips.

"Optimus..? "

"Ivory we've received your message and have your location. We are on our way just hold tight. "

"That's great.. " I grunted in pain turning away from Casey who sat fidgeting. Scared to death.

"But we have another problem. " I winced, my voice strained.

"Are you alright? " He asked concerned.

"I got hit. They came in guns blazing I couldn't stop it. I think it's still in there... I can feel it in there every time I move. "

"Put pressure on it, do not let go and stay out of sight. You need to hold on. We're coming. "

"I know I know but.... I couldn't get the drive Optimus. I couldn't save him! Drift, he's- "

"Do not worry about that right now. He will come back to us. You need to focus on you right now. Stay awake and do not rest. Not yet. "

"Okay... " I said quietly. I could hear the men below yelling and shouting for a way up here.

"Ivory, is your brother with you? "

"Yeah. "

"I wish to speak to him. "

I waved him to me. "Here. "

Casey took my wrist and brought it up, holding my hand comfortingly. "Uh h-hello? "

"Your name is Casey correct? " Optimus stated.

"Um y- yes. "

"Casey, I need you to watch Ivory. She is in great pain and if she rests she may not wake up again. Your mission is to keep her alive. She needs you as we all do. I leave it to you to keep her safe until we arrive. Can you do that? "

"I- I uh, no yeah of course. Yes. Yes. "

"Hold tight. We will be there soon. " Just as he left Drifts voice filled the room.

"Oh humansss~ where are youuu~ "

"Oh god. " I said as I lightly banged my head against the back of the metal computer.

Just great. This is exactly what we needed.

"Come out and play with me~ "

I Found An AutobotWhere stories live. Discover now