It's not over yet

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Edited 6-12-19

Ivy's point of view:

I woke up in my room, I remember Optimus coming back and falling asleep in Drift's shoulder.

I yawned and took a quick shower. I changed into some ripped jeans and a black t-shirt before running outside. It was chilly, but still warm. The perfect in between temperature.

I ran to the garage the autobots stay in, but it was empty... I heard a loud engine rev outside. I walked back out and saw Bee doing donuts... on Cade's new grass...

I laughed. "Bumblebee! "

Bee stopped and sped towards me. He veered around and stopped right behind me. He inched forward till I was leaning against his hood. He was warm.

"Hey Bee! Been awhile since I've seen you. How is everyone? "

His engine roared and Cade came towards us. "Uhh Bee, you might wanna go. Cade is literally gonna kill you for ruining his grass..." He backed up and transformed.

"Think he'll kill me now? " He said. Yeah that's right. Ratchet fixed his voice. It was still scratchy but now he was able to speak without the using the radio.

I laughed. "He's got no chance buddy. "

"Bumblebee! " Cade yelled angrily as he stomped out way.

"That's me. " He said.

"I just planted that grass! "

"Cade relax, I'll help you plant new grass later. Anyway, where is everyone else? " I asked him.

"Optimus is meeting with your world leaders now. He asked me and Crosshairs to stick with you guys till they returned. "

"Cool! Where's Crosshairs then? " I asked.

"Ight' here. " Said the green bot.

"Crosshairs! " I said excitedly.

"Sup kid." I climbed into his hand and onto his shoulder.

"So now what? "

"We have a surprise for you. " Bee said.

"Really? Well... What is it? "

They walked into the same field I found Optimus yesterday and my mouth went open wide. There stood the famous dinobots.

"Grimlock!! " I yelled happily. Crosshairs let me down and I ran over to him and his friends.

"Ivory, good to see again. "

"Where have y'all been? I've been waiting for you guys for five years."

"Found more brethren at Africa. "

"Brothers? You found more brothers in Africa? That's awesome! We've missed you guys. It's good to see you all again."

My phone rang and I saw it was Drift. "Hey. "

"Ivy, where are you? We're back. "

"In the field I found Optimus in. Behind the woods. Grimlock and the other dinobots are here. "

"We need you to come back, bring them with. "

"Okay. We're on our way. "

We quickly walked back, I was on Grimlocks head like I used to. They looked like they were in deep conversation when we showed up.

Everyone stopped and looked at us. I went into Prime's hand. Cade was in his panic mode, I looked at everyone's gloomy expression's. "Hey guys...What's uh....Goin' on? "

"Ivory, we have a small problem. " Drift replied coming closer to Prime's side where I as sitting on his shoulder.

"Like what? "

"Megatron is still alive, and he has Tessa.... "

"No, what?! Why Tessa? "

"No idea. But he wants us to meet him tomorrow at noon. He wants to fight Prime. They must've caught his signal as he entered Earth's atmosphere. " Crosshairs stated.

"No no no no... I thought... I thought this was over. All the fighting. " I said. 

"I don't believe it will ever be over. There will always be evil for us to fight somewhere in the world, youngling."

Ratchet said looking down at me. I sighed. "So. How do we get Tessa back and take bucket head down? " I asked placing my hands on my hips and looking at the group.

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