Chapter 19

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Edited Feb 25, 2019


Aurora POV:

I'm setting at my desk trying to finish up some paperwork so I could leave and take my son out for dinner.

I feel that I have not been spending as much time with him as I used too.

I don't want him to feel neglected by me.

Since the Halloween party that was over a month ago, Daylan has been spending a lot of his time with his dad.

I love that they are spending more time together and bonding, but I'm kinda feel left out.

Every weekend he would be off to his fathers and for me, I would be spending my time with Blake.

Blake and I have been getting closer and our relationship has been growing rapidly than I have expected.

I have kinda put my investigation on hold.

Shelly and I had a chat about everything that had happened with the gun that I had found in his bedroom.

She thought that maybe I needed to take a little break and I had to agree with her.

I found my self getting obsessed with the situation of trying to find clues and information about Blake's life which is not healthy for my sanity.

An unknown text

As my phone beeped to notify me that I had received a text, I looked down at the screen.

Sighing to myself I had received another unknown text from the same person who I have been receiving texts daily.

As I take a deep breath pressing the open button, I see another picture of Blake and Stacy together with the caption that says.....

As I take a deep breath pressing the open button, I see another picture of Blake and Stacy together with the caption that says

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They belong together

Looking at another picture of the two of them and then thought, When the hell was this taken?

That's what Blake had on at his party but I didn't see Stacy there and why wait over a month to send it to me.

As I kept on looking at the picture I decided not to let it bother me.

However, this person was is looking for a reaction from me and I'm not going to give them that satisfaction.

Shutting down my computer and grabbing my handbag, I left my office not giving that text another thought.

Aurora Home

As my son played in the bathtub splashing soapy water everywhere giggling playing with his toys

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As my son played in the bathtub splashing soapy water everywhere giggling playing with his toys.

I sit on top of the toilet seat with the lid down surfing the internet on my cell phone.

As I look over at my boy he looks so happy and content.

He's growing up so fast his birthday is just around the corner and I can't believe he's going to be turning six already.

I feel that it was just yesterday he was in my arms and I was nursing him and rocking him back and forth.

"Mommy look at my hands I look like an old man like Papa."

As he put his hands in the air to showed me.

"You better not let Papa hear you calling him an old man, or you won't be going to any more car shows, his feelings will be hurt."

Shaking my head back-and-forth.

My mother walked into the bathroom.

"Aurora you have a guest downstairs, I'll stay here while you go down."

Getting up from the toilet seat I gestured for her to take my seat.

"I kept it warm for you," I said and started to laugh.

"As long as I don't smell anything it's all good." My mother replied

laughing as I'm walking out the door I could see my mother in the corner of my eye shaking her hand back and forth making the motion that it stinks.

My son's giggles could be heard in the hallway.

As I took the last step from the stairs I could see Blake standing in the Foya.

"Hi babe what are you doing here?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist giving him a kiss on his lips.

As I pulled away from the hug he pulled me back into him crashed his lips back onto mine biting my lower lip for entrance.

I obliged and open up my mouth as our tongues swirled around fighting for dominance.

Playing unfair he bit my tongue to show that he was the more dominant one.

Pulling away shocked, He has never kissed me like that before it felt different.
It's hard to describe but what I do know is that I didn't care for it too much like all our other kisses.
I also didn't get that tingling feeling like I normally do but I could be over exaggerating.

"I came to see my sexy lady for a couple of minutes."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you hun."

I then pecked his cheek.

"Alright, It was nice seeing you I got to go," as he said those words he smacked me in the ass and rushed out the door.

What the fuck is up with that guy. I pondered to myself.

Turning around I headed towards the stairs before I could take the first step the doorbell rang.

Turning back around I headed towards the door, as I reached the door I opened it and to my surprise, it was Blake again holding a dog.

Turning back around I headed towards the door, as I reached the door I opened it and to my surprise, it was Blake again holding a dog

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917 Words

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