Chapter 3

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Edited- Feb 21,2019 ____________________

Aurora POV :

I was standing in front of a big black door that had the nameplate of: 

Mr. Blake Heissler CEO.

Taking a big breath in I knocked on the door.

As I waited patiently for someone on the other side to answer, I started to hum a song to my self.
Looking down at my watch seeing that 3 minutes had passed I started to lose my patience, So I knocked again very loud to make sure this time they would hear me.

About 5 minutes later, I finally heard a voice say come in.

God, what the hell took this person so long to answer me I said to my self. 

Opening the door I stopped in my tracks, Standing before me was this unbelievable male species. He was fixing his suit that fit his body perfectly I could tell that he worked out alot.

After I was done checking him out I looked up to his face, I notice him having a smirk on it.

Clearing my throat I proceeded to walk in.

"Mr. Heissler my name is Aurora, (as I said these words I put a nice smile on my face) I have these papers that need to be signed by you before I could hand you over these keys."

Waving the envelope and keys in my hand for him to see.

He looked at me with no expression what so ever on his face, He than walked over to his desk and sat down.

With a motion with his hand towards the chair in front of his desk for me to come and take a seat.

As I sat down he said "May I have the envelope to take a look at the papers? I feel uncomfortable signing documents until I fully read them."

Passing the envelope that was in my hand across his desk, He grabs it and started looking over them.

Not knowing what to do with myself as he was busy, I thought to look around his office to keep my self occupied.

He had a nice big marble desk in the middle of the room, The walls were white with hanging artwork.
There also was a sitting area with two black leather couches with a white coffee table centred in the middle.
A small bar area was placed on the left side of the room, It must have been for entertaining clients and business partners.

After I was done snooping around I looked over at him and noticed he was looking at me as well.

My face started to turn red from the embarrassment of being caught Snooping.

"The papers look in order, but to be blunt with you I'm surprised that you deliver cars for McCain Dealership. You don't really look like a woman who would do this sorta job for a living you look more like the office type to me."

"Mr. Heissler I don't want to sound rude But what the hell is that supposed to mean? Is it because I'm a woman? For your information, women can do the same type of job as a man."

Oh I was livid I could feel the anger just start to grow inside of me. So I decided to continue with my speech,

"I'm only dropping this car off to you for a favour to my brother, So why don't you sign those papers and I'll leave you these keys that I have placed right here on top of your desk and I'll get the hell out of your office."

I know that my face was red, I was huffing and puffing with my anger.

"Your Mr. McClain sister, He mention you in his office when I was there.
I had mistaken you as his wife, when I saw a family photo on his desk. He made it clear to me that you were just his sister and that you were also looking for work."

Why would my brother tell this man who is a Stranger my personal business?

Once he was done with his sentence he leaned back in his chair with a pleased look on his face. God, he looked so hot but I was still upset.

"If you already knew who I was and that this was not my job why would you say a stupid comment?"

"Truth is, I wanted to see how fast you would lose your temper. I did hear you over the phone being rude to my PA." He said with a stern tone in his voice

"For One your PA is a skanky bitch, For Two I have no clue why my brother is telling you my personal business, Three sign the papers so I can get the fuck out of here."

Grabbing the pen that was placed on his desk I stretched my arm out with the pen in my hand for him to take.

He was shocked, to say the least, I don't think he has ever encountered a person to talk to him the way that I have and frankly, I don't give a shit.

Mr. Heissler reached out to take the pen out of my hand and lightly touched it.

I felt a little tingle when our hands touched.

Once he was done signing, He handed back over the papers to me.

Pulling my self up out of the chair, I then walked towards his office door not bothering to look back to see if he was watching me or not. Placing my hand on the knob and turning it to open the door I stepped out of his office without even saying goodbye hoping that this will be the last time I see him........


1023 Words

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