She doesn't need to know

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Cesar's POV:
We're sitting on the floor eating pizza and I keep staring at her. "What?" She asks as she drinks from the bottle of sprite. "Nothing." I keep staring at her. "Then why are you staring at me like I'm a math problem you can't figure out?" She asks me and I just wanna say I can't figure you out. "Do you hate me?" I ask. "Wow um, yeah a little." She says with a straight face. "I thought you'd say no or something." I can't believe she actually admitted that. "I know you're lying about what happened with my dad." She says. I know I can't say anything but if I don't, I won't be able to make sure she's safe. "I'm not safe." I look down at my pizza when I say this. It's the only excuse I can come up with. "What are you talking about?" She looks confused but if I say anymore her dad is gonna hate me but if I don't say anything she's gonna hate me. "Your dad doesn't think I'm safe but he knew my dad a while back so he trusts me enough to help you know what stupid shit doesn't pass here." It comes out a lot more aggressive than I thought it would but I got my point across. "I'm sorry, my dad says that about a lot of people." He's not wrong this time though. "He's not right is he?" She looks at me with genuine concern in her eyes. "I don't know, maybe you'll have to stick around a little longer to find out." I smile and she rolls her eyes. Her phone rings and she stands up quickly. "Hi dad." She says as she walks into another room.

Monse's POV:
"Yeah ok, I got it dad. Doors locked no one in and I'm not going out." I let out a loud sigh and Cesar rushes in. "Are you ok?" He says as he looks around the room. I know there's more he's not telling me about the conversation with my dad and I couldn't care less at this point. "My dad is on lock down. He was returning the truck and right before he left it happened. He always makes me go on lock down when he's stuck somewhere." I always stress about my dad and his safety but I'm not a little kid. I know that if someone breaks in I climb out a window or beat them with a baseball bat. "I can stay here if you want." Cesar says. I guess it's an opportunity to find out what the hell my dad told him. "Yeah, ok." I try to act like I actually want him here. "So tell me, who do I stay away from?" He gives me a weird look. "Every time my dad gets someone to "teach me" about a place, it's actually just someone saying who I can't talk to so go ahead." I say.

Cesar's POV:
Should I tell her about the gangs. Her dad is somewhere in between a prophet and a Santo which I don't understand so what happens if I say something I'm not supposed to? "Come on there had to be something I'm not supposed to do or someone who I can't talk to." She says as she lifts herself onto the counter. "The Santos." I blurt out. "That's the gang you're in?" She asks. "And the prophets just stay away from any and all gangs." I add. "You didn't answer my question." She's really pushy maybe that's what's different about her. Most girls around here don't think for themselves. She doesn't need to know I'm a Santo not yet. "No, I'm not in any gang." I lie straight through my teeth but she looks satisfied with my answer. "So what's up with the whole lil' Spooky thing?" She asks a lot of questions. "They call my brother Spooky so it just stuck." She knows I'm lying. "Ok so who is 'safe' around here?" Monse asks. "Jamal and Ruby that's it. I mean that's not it but I've know them since elementary school they're good people to know." At least that wasn't a lie. "Ok, are they cute." I can't tell if she's joking so I just laugh. "Latrelle, stay far FAR away from him." I almost forgot to warn her. "Aww you really are jealous." She says. She jumps off the counter and starts walking away. I grab her wrist and I regret it right away. "Promise me you'll stay away." She looks pissed off. "First of all don't ever grab me like that again, second I don't know you or Latrelle so I'm not promising you anything. When you said you could stay with me until my dad got home I thought I got you wrong the whole time and you were just trying to act like you were cool in front of your brother." I know that if Spooky was here he'd want me to say something stupid but she's not like the other hynas and I'm not gonna disrespect her especially because of her dad. I wonder if Spooky knows who he is. "Ok, ok sorry." I put my hands up. "I've lived here for a few hours and I already hate it." She goes into a room and slams the door but I don't leave. "Hey, yeah I'm at the new house. I hate it here and the people suck. Yeah my neighbor is a jack ass." She's talking to someone on the phone and I know I need to find away to fix this or her dad's gonna he pissed. "Yeah I'll call you later bye." She opens the door and sees me sitting on the floor. "I told you I'd stay with you." I say. "You can go now Cesar." Her dad says. "Cool I'll see you around Monse." I turn around and look at her as I say this and she looks pissed. I go inside my house and Oscar's sitting there with a couple other Santos. "Her dad's Monty Finnie." Oscar says. "Yeah how'd you know?" I'm seriously confused. "I hope you didn't fuck it up with her." Oscar slaps me on the back of my head. What's so important about that family?

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