'Huh... okay then. She said you wouldn't be fully sentient.'

"Well, there's a difference between Aware, (me,) Sentient, (Sofia,) and Sapient, (you). I have programming, but also an active and uncontrolled personality and emotion processing centers in my 'brain', making me 'Aware', whereas Sofia does not run on a set of coded Programming, but rather a physical brain with Neurons and Brain Cells and such, (terribly inefficient,) making her 'Sentient'. You have a Soul, a Quantum-Entangled Single Consciousness that will leave your body once it is dead, making you 'Sapient'. It's incredibly fascinating, actually, the many concepts of Afterlives." He hummed.

"Ahem! I'm sorry, yes, Dr. Erin, your research into the preservation of 'Cephalopodius Ebonis' is paramount, and supported in full by the CHCS! We'll have that Material ready for you in just a few short hours, and each container will be delivered to the preselected location!" The Male Doctor cleared his throat and spoke in a valiant attempt at a customer-service voice.

"Thank you, Dr. Meadows, I appreciate your expediency. I'm sure you can handle the rest without me? Wonderful, I'll return to my research, then." I nodded, and hung up.

"Are you going to read the Book now? I'm interested to see what happens if you make use of it to tame your Libido. Usually, Tantric Energy must be Acquired from others, but with your own energy being so potent, it's entirely possible that you'll be able to siphon and generate your own Tantric Power, therefore taming your Libido, whilst also gaining a source of power." A hologram of a small, bookish young man appeared, sitting on my desk. His pupils were odd, that of a pair of Helixes, and a vibrant blue that pulsed as he 'breathed'.

"Indeed... and we'll tune the various rods of Nth Metal that will be around the city inside the light-poles to absorb Tantric Energy as well as bioelectric and hydroelectric from the currents. After all, this is about to become Fuck City, what with the surplus of male Moray that will be here for the Female Moray's amusement and breeding. Especially the tunnel system." I smiled.

He laughed softly. "Indeed. How do you like my chosen form? A very different kind of librarian, no?"

I grinned. "Very true, Helix. Now, how's the plan moving forward? Has Star Labs put forward a prototype as Bait yet?"

He hummed, and closed his eyes for a few moments. "Not yet... a week isn't enough, considering they don't know they're on a timeline."

"Hmm... maybe we should help... Ah! My new Material! I can put it forward for them, and it can be let slip that it's my main ticket to making the League let me live, and Lex Luthor will dive for it like a dog and a bloody steak!" I grinned.

He nodded. "Trifold reasoning, as well... 1: he wants to hurt you. 2: he wants to rebuild his company's public and private reputation, and equipping soldiers and policemen is the best way to do that. And 3: it re-values him in the eyes of the Light."

I tapped my fingers together slowly. "Helix, is this Earth 16?"

He blinked, and then closed his eyes again, searching for almost a full minute, before frowning. "Not anymore, no. We are now on Earth 17, it seems. You altered Reality and Time, with your arrival and actions. Your attack on Luthor was the final straw, separating the two timelines into two Earths to limit the ripples that affect the Main Timeline, that of Earth Prime."

"So any further changes are... acceptable?" I grinned.

"Non-damaging to the Main Timeline? Yes. Acceptable? Ehhh, depends who you ask." He shrugged.

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