83. Confession (Final chapter)

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Sitting on the couch, you repetitively turned your head to look out the window. Currently, everyone was in the living room, waiting to picked up and taken back to Yu's house. You were surprised that Aizawa was there too. After everything that happened you assumed that you would be seeing a lot more of him there.

Fidgeting with you hands, you couldn't help but feel nervous, after all the confession talk last night you began worrying. Kuro managed to take your mind off it with his constant teasing, Yu helping when she suggesting playing card games for the rest of the night. It took a while for you to get to sleep last night but you didn't feel tired at all.

When there was a knock at the front door, you quickly stood. Kuro snickered as he got up, picking your back pack up and slinging it over his shoulder. Yu chuckled at how eager you were to get home, you hadn't been away long but it felt like forever.

"Ready to go?" your mother asked, walking to the door to answer it. Once open, a cab driver was revealed, this time it was a middle-aged woman. She smiled sweetly at your mother, her eyes moving past her and to you as you stood behind her. She sent you a small nod, her eyes returning to your mother seconds later.

"I'll take you whenever you're ready, miss," she said. Your mother thanked her, leading you, Kuro, Yu and Aizawa outside. A police officer who checked in on you while you stayed in the safe house, locked the door and waved as you all walked away.

Following the driver, you were all lead to a black van, detailed with the name and contact of the company she worked for. Yu rushed to the heavy door, sliding it open and claiming two seats. You climbed in after her, taking the window seat with Kuro sitting in the seat beside yours. After putting on your seat belt, you lent your head on Kuro's shoulder and closed your eyes.

"Do you wanna sleep?" he asked. Opening your eyes, you looked up with him, your expression easily answering his question. Looking away, he sighed and shifted in his seat to make sure you were comfortable.

"This is the kinda thing your boyfriend should be doing," he muttered, trying to tease you. But when his gaze returned to your face, he was surprised to see that you were already asleep. Sighing, he watched as the couple got into the back. The driver got into the front and started the van, pulling out into the empty street.


"Oi, wake up." You  squinted up at the person that continuously poked at your cheek, trying to wake you. Groaning quietly, you stretched out your tired limbs. Kuro sighed and forced you to sit up, reaching over to unbuckle your seat belt.

"Come on, we're already back." Hearing that gave you the incentive to actually get up and out of the van. Still being a little tired, you stumbled, Yu having to catch you.

"Careful," she warns, helping you stand up straight. Stretching again, your eye drifted across the road to Hitoshi's house. As soon as you were reminded of your plans of confessing, your cheeks burned red. Your mother and Aizawa were already inside. Knowing that the door was open, you rushed towards it and entered the house. Running into the kitchen, you peeked out the window, looking at the house again.

"So what's the game plan?" Kuro asks, making you jump in fright at his sudden appearance. Turning to him, you noticed that he no longer held your bag. You guessed that it was already in your room but also didn't care, there were things which you found much more important right now. Biting your lip, you huffed in annoyance.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do." Kuro shrugs his shoulders, leaning back against the kitchen counter.

"You read that dumb girly book didn't you, just think about it. I know that it was shit, just do the opposite of her." You knew he wasn't intentionally being helpful, but the information gave you an idea of what you wanted to do.

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