49. The USJ

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"Alright class, get into your hero costumes and meet me in the carpark, we'll be taking a bus to the USJ for rescue training ". You were excited, sure physically you looked like you didn't have a single emotion in your body but internally you were bouncing around the room. You grabbed your case and took it to the girls changing room. After changing, you adding something else to the outfit. You didn't think it was appropriate yesterday since you were facing classmates but now you could use weapons. You strapped two black daggers to your thighs, pulling one out to inspect the blade. You missed it, not that you had an attachment to them, they just felt right in your hands.

"Woah, where'd you get those from?", Jirou asks, peering over your shoulder. You slide the blade back in as you look up, meeting her gaze. "They were a gift. They were given to me for my birthday by my father". Uraraka jumps in to have a look. "That's cool, how old were you?". "Six". The girls all turned to you, pretty shocked by that. "Wow, your dad is so cool!", Ashido cheers. Your head falls as you begin packing up your school uniform. "I don't think so", you mutter quietly. Even though your voice was low, the girls still heard you. "Why do you think that? If he gave you gifts then he surely loves and cares about you", Yaoyorozu says, her hand resting on your shoulder. You decide that it would be best if the didn't know, telling a small lie wouldn't harm anyone. "I suppose you're right, I just got into a small argument with him this morning". You brush her hand off casually and go to leave the changing room. "Aw, come on (Y/n)-chan", Hagakure calls. "Wait for us". Feeling the familiar feeling of tension in your cheeks you nodded your head and sat down on a bench, waiting for the rest of the girls to finish.

"Alright everyone, line up!", Iida instructs the class. You step into your place in and enter the bus, realising that the lines were pointless, it wasn't that kind of bus. You sat beside a window, Kirishima taking that spot beside you. You turned to him, receiving a large toothy grin. "Whatever you're going through we'll be there for you, all the way". You wished to send him a smile but you found it hard. You doubled over in pain for a second, sitting up and feeling completely fine a minute later. You weren't sure what it was but you had a bad feeling about this trip. You would have to be careful or else something bad might happen, not only to you but your classmates too.

You decided to look out the window for a majority of the trip, the others chattered away but you had no interest in joining in. They spoke so casually and the only way you knew how to do it was to be formal, speaking the same way that your father did. Bakugou was teased for his poor attitude and short fuse, something you hadn't expected since the blonde almost blew off the head of anyone who dared to look him in the eye. Before you knew it the bus came to a stop in front of a large glass dome, the USJ.

All of the students got off the bus and followed Aizawa in through the front doors, meeting up with another hero, Thirteen. He looked as if he were an astronaut with his space suit, you found him fascinating. "Something I want to say before we start is that even though I use my quirks for good they can also be used for evil. With my quirk I could easily kill someone, but it's what you choose to do with your quirk that matters". The words stuck in your mind like glue, making you feel a little better about your quirks. Perhaps it wasn't you fault that you had them and you could change people's perception of them, they can be good and you just had to show them. At that moment you had zoned out, not exactly the best thing to do. Especially when you heard chatter amongst the other students. Something that started them all was the lights all turning off, the pain in your stomach returned. This was bad. A black portal appeared in the centre of the USJ, allowing hundreds of villains to enter it. Your eyes widened in shock, they knew that you were there. They were going to take you and your mother back, they were going to hurt your new friends. You were filled with a new feeling... Anger. If they wanted anything, they would have to go through you.

Chooo choo next! IDEFK WHAT THAT JUST WAS *BOWS* SORRY! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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