38. Threads

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"Oi, wake up. We don't have much time, you need to wake up now". Your eyes shot open meeting with the dark hues of Kuro as he hovered over you. "You need to get up". You sit up and look out the window, it was pitch black outside. "Why? It's so late". He shakes his head as he smirks. "It'll be too late if you don't get up now, come on". You sigh and get out of bed. Once you're standing in the mirror, brushing your hair, you look back at Kuro and raise an eyebrow at him. "So what exactly are we doing up at a time like this?", you ask, annoyance evident in your voice. Kuro grabs a few pieces of clothing and drops them on your bed. "Get changed, we're gonna be training". "Training?". He nods. "It's the only time we can train your quirks, in the middle of the night where no one will see us". It made a lot more sense now, you'd have to sneak out at night to train so that no one would see it. You quickly slipped the clothes on, heading over to the window. You pushed it open and jumped out onto the roof, making sure not to make any noise. You sat on the gutter, getting ready to jump down but were pulled back onto the roof by Kuro. You looked back at him with an expression of confusion, watching as he pulled off your jacket. "We don't have much time so to get there fast, you're gonna have to fly". You bit your lip, feeling unsure. It was quite painful to release your wings but in the end, you hoped it would be worth it. You needed to learn how to use your father's quirk and nothing was going to stop you.

Your wings broke through the skin on your back at the same time, coming out completely in a matter of seconds. You placed your hands on your knees to regain your breath as the pain had taken quite a lot out of you. Luckily, you were able to keep your pained cries silent or you definitely would've woken up your mother. You weren't too worried about your aunt though, she was a pretty heavy sleeper. Once the pain had subsided you completely spread your wings out and jumped off the roof, flying towards the reserve.

It didn't take too long before you spotted the trees in the distance, landing on top of one of the tallest. "You ready to train?", Kuro asks, appearing on the branch beside you. You nod and jump off of the tree, gliding gracefully to the ground. Kuro sat on the ground, petting the space beside him. "Okay, I want you to reach your hand out in front of you like this". He reached his hand out with his fingers facing forward. You follow his instructions and reach forward. "Good, now close your eyes and focus on the tips of your fingers". You nod and close your eyes, focusing. It was a strange sensation but it was tingly feeling on the tips of your fingers. You hear Kuro chuckle. "You can open your eyes now". You open them to see short black string extending out of your fingers, wiggling like worms. You jump slightly and wipe your hand on your shirt, trying to get them off. Kuro just sends you a smug smile. "Aw come on, that's racist ya know". You sweat drop and reach your hand again. "It wasn't meant to be offensive, let me try again, I was just startled". He shrugs his shoulders. "Go ahead, you need the practice anyway". You nod and focus on your fingers again, having the strings come out immediately. "There you go, you're a natural". You felt tension in your cheeks from happiness, you were proud of yourself. "And now for the hard part". Kuro disappears and reappears with a glass bottle in hand. He places it a metre or two in front of you and then returns to his spot beside you. "Now try and pick it up".

You reached out and let the threads return, allowing them to move in the direction of the bottle. On your first try, you went way too far, going past the bottle. On your second try, you smacked them right into the bottle and shattered it. Now it was your third try. Kuro had gotten a new bottle and kicked the shards of glass way before he placed it down. You extended your shadow threads, going past the bottle slightly to coil around it. You then pulled them back and took the bottle out of your threads with your free hand. "Congrats, you actually managed to do it". You nod. You had figured out that they were just like having extended fingers, if you bent your finger the threads would bend in that direction, if you made a fist they would completely wrap around the object in front of it. "Okay, that's enough for tonight. We'll get onto the even more advanced stuff tomorrow". You nod and spread your wings as you take off, heading back home.

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