68. Countdown

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Those who were not in the top 42 left the main arena and then it left those who were going to take part in the next event. You wondered who to form a group with, whether it was smart to just choose friends or risk going with students from another class. At this point in time, you had let your wings retract into the pockets of flesh on your back but kept your gym shirt tied around your waist. You hoped that someone would want you to be in their team. Looking around, you watched as groups in your own class formed. Across the arena you noticed Midoriya panicking as he searched for partners. This gave you a feeling of hope, perhaps you could join him. But before you could do so Uraraka and a pink-haired girl from the support course approached him and from there they walked off to find someone else.

You didn't want to be a burden on your group, neither did you want your friends to feel bad from excluding you, so you hung back. Becoming lost in thought you didn't hear when someone called out to you. It only became known to you when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning your head you were met with the sight of thick silver eyelashes.

"Hey, it's Takeyama, right?" the guy asks, looking a little nervous. You didn't blame him though, the two of you had never spoken before. You nod your head.

"Ah yes?"

"Do you wanna be in my group? We've already got three so far and I think your quirk will be really useful." You face lit up.

"Yes please," you reply, an energetic smile spreading across your face. It made you feel happy that you had been asked to be apart of a team, especially by someone you didn't know. Now you would get the chance to make new friends. The guy grinned widely at you, showing off his sharp teeth.

"Well, come on over so we can introduce ourselves." You nod and follow the boy to where a girl with green, vine-like hair and the boy in the bandanna you had passed in the obstacle race stood. When they noticed you coming over with their teammate, they smiled and waved.

The boy who lead you over, turned to you as he stood beside he teammates.

"My name it Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and these two are in my class." He points to the bandanna-wearing boy first who takes a step forward and offers his hand to you.

"Hi, I'm Awase Yosetsu," he greets. You send him a smile and reach for his hand, shaking it gently. Next, you turned to the girl with plant hair. She smiled softly before reaching for your hand and holding it within her own.

"My name is Ibara Shiozaki, it's a pleasure to be working with you," she says, releasing your hand soon after. You bow your head to the group.

"Thank you for letting me join. My name is (Y/n) Takeyama of class 1-A," you introduce, bowing to the three. Even though the students from other classes seemed to dislike your own, you could tell by the way that the three looked at you that they weren't holding any grudges.

"I'm sorry if my class has you caused you any trouble, I believe we are quite disliked around the school," you explain. Tetsutetsu shrugs his shoulders as he stretches.

"I can see that there are some arrogant jerks in your class but you're definitely not one of them. I just hope that we can work well together and win this!" he cheers. You smile widely, finding it difficult to hold back your laughter.

"Now that you have all picked your teams you have five minutes to plan before we begin. Remember to choose your formations wisely and use the quirks of your team members to your advantage, planning time starts now!" Midnight announces into the microphone.

You all turn to each other in panic, none of you had said anything about the formation you would use or your quirks. Tetsutetsu spoke up, clearing the air of its panic-inducing atmosphere.

"I know the quirks of my class and I have an idea of yours, Takeyama. What I think we should do is have me on the front, since my quirk is steel I can harden and act as a battering ram if worse come to worse. We'll have Awase on the left and Shiozaki on the right, both holding up Takeyama". You all nod in agreement, out of everyone in the group he knew more about everyone's abilities.

"Awase, we'll have you merge us together if necessary and Shiozaki, we'll need your vines to reach out and try and grab any points we can when we get closer to other teams." Shiozaki hums with her palm resting against her cheek.

"Wouldn't it be better if I were to be carried? Then I would have better reach with my hair for gathering points?" she questions. Tetsutetsu shakes his head, his eyes drifting over to you.

"With Takeyama's wings, she will be able to guard our points and counter any attacks from other teams. But I'm also wondering if we could possibly fly, that could be good for gathering points and getting away," the silver-haired boys wonders aloud. You nod your head in agreement.

"It is a possibility. I wouldn't be strong enough to get us all off of the ground immediately but if we used speed and picked up off the ground like a plane then we could definitely fly." All parties seemed to be happy with this and so the plan was set.

Tetsutetsu got in front while Awase and Shiozaki took the sides, all three of them helping you to sit above them all. Your points were given to you on a piece of cloth and so you tied it around your forehead. The steel-quirked boy turned back to look at the three of you, sending you all a nod.

"We'll go for the ten million, it's the only way we can come first since the other points can't compare to that amount. With our plan I have no doubt that we'll win!" he enthuses. You smile down at the three holding you up.

"I agree, using these tactics we definitely have the upper hand." Before the others got a chance to answer, Midnight's voice was heard in the speakers once again.

"Get ready!"





Each team began running towards Midoriya's group in hopes of snagging the ten million points. Having such a large number of points would guarantee first place, everyone was here to win. Even though you were quite far away from Midoriya's group, you could see the frightened expression on his face as all groups rushed in his direction. They began running away from the approaching teams, going at a reasonable speed. It wasn't that fast since no one in their team had a speed quirk, this had them at a disadvantage.

Getting closer and closer you noticed Hagakure's team also being nearby, having the same goal as most other teams. Getting close to Midoriya's team, Shiozaki reached out with her vines to grab the headband but missed as the team sped off, blocking an attack from Hagakure's team with Tokoyami's dark shadow. Noticing that they had cornered themselves, they did something no one had expected from the group. They began to fly over the head of their competitors. Tetsutetsu grinned widely and chuckled.

"Two can play that game!" You opened your wings and leant forward, resting your hands on Tetsutetsu's shoulders.

"Pick up speed!" you call to your team members. Without answers they do so, going as fast as they possibly could. You turned your head to Awase and met his gaze.

"Merge me and Tetsutetsu," you say. He nods and merges the silver-haired boy's upper back with your stomach, having him hold your legs.

"Now you all have to jump at the same time and after you do it grab onto my arms!" you call out. They nod and wait for your countdown.

"Three, two, one, jump!"

Happy to involve Tetsutetsu since he is one of the best boys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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