52. Forgiven

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He choked out a quiet yes, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket.

"I took her to an orphanage since I couldn't fully support her but it was good, that was where she met your grandfather. They grew up together and when they became old enough to understand their feelings they became a couple. He was a quirkless, which even for them was rare. At the time 76% of the world's population had a quirk while 24% didn't. But even so your grandmother loved him, she was protective and loyal, not being able to fit a single other person in her heart. She was kind and loving to all that she met but there was one thing which she despised". He paused, finally meeting your gaze.

"The law. She believed that people should be able to express their quirks and that the rules around them were unnecessary. So she became a vigilante. They called her Threadless, she spoke to the people about cutting the ropes and allowing people to embrace their quirks, whether they had one or not. She was accepting of everyone and wouldn never do anything violent unless they were towards a villain so that she could have them taken in. She started a movement with the objective of showing people how the laws were withholding their rights. People weren't allowed to use their quirks unless they had a licence, they weren't allowed to show them in public, they weren't allowed to embrace this part of themselves because it was against the law".

You had read about it before, a movement to free quirks. Your father's library had many books on the subject and now you understood why, she was his mother.

"And what happened after that?", you ask, moving closer to Kuro to rest your head on his shoulder.

"Well, the movement gained publicity and people came out to speak against the law, wanting to get it changed. She became famous, but that was only her masked self, no one but your grandfather knew of her true identity. Unfortunately, the authorities found out who she was and targeted her. One night, their apartment building was broken into. All other occupants were evacuated first and then a special task force entered their home. Their job was to eliminate them. The fire was lit but was only a distraction. As your grandmother and grandfather tried to reach their son they were murdered". You sniffled a little as you wiped your face.

"Where were you?!", you yelled. His eyes widened at your sudden outburst.

"I-I wasn't there at the time". You hissed due to the pain but it as only temporary. You were upset, a lot more than you had ever been before. Not like how you were when Hitoshi told you he didn't want to see anymore but this was anger.

"But you can't leave her, you couldn't have. What about the invisible wall?!", you growled. He sighed and rubbed his face with both hands.

"It doesn't exist, (Y/n). I made it up so that you would think I was always there with you... even if I wasn't". You hide your face behind your hair, not wanting to talk to anyone.

"So where were you while I was at the USJ? Messing around while I was forced to reveal my mother's quirk, risking not only my safety but hers too".

"(Y/n) I didn't mean t-".

"Just shut up already, I've had enough of this". You forced yourself through the pain and lay down, trying to make it as less painful as you could. You knew you shouldn't have blamed Kuro for everything but you had so much pent up anger that it had to be directed somewhere. It was silent for a few minutes before Kuro decided to speak again.

"I tried to reach her, I saw her running and calling out to me. I was so close to touching her hand and pulling her away from all of this. Not only her but your grandfather and father too. But as soon as I grabbed onto her hand the flames got me and I pulled away. I watched her die... and there was nothing I could do. Light is a shadow's weakness after all". You glanced over at the raven-haired boy, his frown was still visible and he was still crying. With that comment your face fell, all of your anger disappeared. You launched yourself at him, wrapping him tightly in your arms.

"I'm sorry", you whimpered. He let out a quiet sigh and hugged you back.

"It's my fault that all of this happened, I could've stopped them from killing her and then your father would've lived a normal life". Your head fell as soon as you realized what that meant.

"My father could've grown up to be a kind man and had a family of his own, having a normal life and job, and my mother would still be a hero and maybe even married to Aizawa-sensei. And then I...". You couldn't even finish your sentence.

"You wouldn't exist". You nodded, only because it was true. If your grandmother had survived then she could've raised your father to be the kind so he wouldn't become a villain. If he wasn't a villain then he wouldn't have taken your mother and everyone would be happy. Your grandmother, father, mother, Aizawa-sensei... You wiped your eyes to get rid of your tears, it hurt to think about it.

Kuro comfortingly rubbed your back, patting it lightly.

"But don't blame yourself for this, you were only brought into it later. The root of the problem is something a lot bigger and I'm not too sure how to explain it, its much more than you can comprehend right now, having been told all of this stuff and such. Also, I just wanted to let you know that I have a gift for you". You tilted your head to the side as Kuro reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver cylinder. He placed it in your hand and smiled lightly at you, his pale cheeks stained from tears.

"What is it?", you ask. He chuckles and strokes the smooth metal.

"You'll find out later tonight". Your eyes widen a little.

"We aren't training are we?". He shakes his head, laughing quietly.

"Of course not, you need to heal up first. You're off the hook tonight but tomorrow we're starting". You smiled at Kuro, taking note of the almost scared expression on his face.

"What is it?", you giggle.

"Y-you smiled and laughed at me, are you sure you're okay? You didn't hit your head, right?". You let out one more giggle before shaking your head.

"No, why are you so shocked?". He reaches up and ruffles your hair, a smile spread across his own face.

"It's the first time you've smiled at me".

Is it the sad music again or what? Lol, anyway I hope you enjoyed!

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum