55. Guest

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A quiet knock sounded from your bedroom door, waking you up. You lifted your head from your pillow, watching as your Yu looked over at you from the doorway. She smiled brightly when she saw that you were awake and entered your room, closing the door behind her.

"Good morning, are you feeling better?", she asked. You nod your head, smiling back at her.

"Yeah, it was just my energy that had depleted. I feel a lot better now". Her smile seemed to widen.

"Good, we've got a guest so I was hoping that you would get up so you could see them. They came to see you after all". You tilted your head to the side in interest, curious as to who it could be. Perhaps it was someone from your class, but the thought of that made you feel nervous. Yu noticed your obvious change in expression and sat beside you, rubbing your back in a comforting manner.

"Relax, it's just our neighbour from across the street". Thoughts of Hitoshi came to mind and you felt excited. You jumped out of bed and ran to your closet, pulling out clothing for the day. Yu chuckled at your enthusiasm and made her way towards the door.

"We're all waiting downstairs, don't take too long".But you didn't hear that, you were preoccupied with thinking about something else.

A few minutes later you were changed and groomed, ready for whatever was in store for you downstairs. You entered the kitchen and looked around, surprised to find it empty. You stared at the abandoned room, your ears perking up at the sound of laughter. It was coming from the living room so you rushed there, your eyes widening at what you saw. Your mother sat on the couch with Yu opposite her and Mihoko by her side. Your mood fell but you didn't let your face show it.

The blue-haired woman stood from her seat and approached you, giving you a hug. You hesitantly hugged back, inhaling her sweet scent. She eventually pulled away, tucking a strand of baby blue hair behind her ear.

"I was so surprised when I found out that you had ended up in the hospital, you should've seen the look on Hitoshi's face when he found out", she giggled. Your eyes widened slightly.

"H-Hitoshi", you stuttered out. She covered her mouth as she giggled softly.

"Yes, my son Hitoshi, you two are friends, right? He's very fond of you (Y/n), he's never been as close to anyone before and I was ecstatic when I found out that you were his friend". Even though she was smiling you could see a hint of sadness. You couldn't stand looking into her eyes so your gaze fell to the ground.

"You should come around sometime, his mood has fallen a little and I noticed how happy he was when you were around", she enthused. It almost sounded like she was begging. You awkwardly turned towards your mother and Yu, biting your lip.

"Can I please speak to Shinso-san... alone?", you asked. They noticed the seriousness in your voice and immediately got up, leaving the room with concerned expressions on their faces. You walked over to the couch and sat down, petting the cushion beside you.

"I'm sorry to say this but-". You cut yourself off, trying your hardest to stay strong. You placed your hands on your thighs, gripping them firmly as you took a deep breath.

"Hitoshi and I aren't friends anymore", you said quietly. Mihoko's eyes widened, you had never seen her so upset. She was such a happy person and you felt so bad making her look so sad. She looked up at you, her mouth opening yet no words coming out.

"But I thought...", she trailed off, unsure of her words.

"I did too, I liked Hitoshi a lot... maybe even more than just friends but when we got our results for U.A it changed. I remember being so happy that I had gotten into the hero course but I completely forgot about it when I saw how disappointed he looked". Mihoko watched you intensely, her eyes not leaving you for a second.

"That was when you came over and went up to see him", she said. You nodded your head.

"I went up to see him, I didn't know what to say so I apologized. He told me to leave him alone but I didn't want to...so I stayed. I tried to say something but he cut me off told me that I was in the way and that he didn't want anything to do with me. And then-". Your voice cracked, you wanted to cry badly but you held it back. Your eyes glossed over but you refused to cry.

"And then he used his quirk on me". Before you could do anything you were suddenly hugged. Mihoko buried her face in your shoulder, apologizing over and over again. You adjusted yourself so you could hug her back. She was obviously upset and you were the only one there to comfort her. You rubbed her back and rested your head on her shoulder, watching as your mother and Yu poked their heads into the room to see what was going on. Both of them sent you a soft smile, happy to see you so caring and empathetic.

It wasn't long until Mihoko let go of you. She wiped her face, she had been crying a lot and now your shoulder was soaked. You didn't mind though, it would've been selfish of you to push her away when she needed comfort. Your mother entered the room and approached Mihoko, giving her a quick hug.

"Feel free to come over whenever you need company, I'm always here". She pulled away and smiled sweetly at you, her face lighting up suddenly. She reached into her bag and pulled out a plastic container filled with blueberry muffins.

"Since you were in the hospital I wanted to make you all something". Your mother giggled and took the baking from her.

"You're too kind, Mihoko". The two mothers smiled at each other before turning to you.

"Could you please walk Mihoko-chan home, (Y/n)?", your mother asks sweetly. You opened your mouth to speak but she stopped you.

"It's not that far, go on". You gave in and lead the blue-haired woman towards the front door, watching as she hugged both your aunt and mother goodbye. You could tell that they were going to be good friends and that she would be coming over more often.

You held the door open for her and allowed her to leave first, following not too far behind her.

"I know that you and Hitoshi aren't close anymore but I would like you two to be friends or maybe even his girlfriend", she giggles. You couldn't help it, your face turned red. You tried to hide it but she saw it and quietly squealed. She grabbed your red cheeks and brought her face close to yours.

"Aw, you're so cute when you blush", she announces. You felt embarrassed since you were standing in the middle of the road and anyone could look out their window and see you. She eventually let go of your face, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards her house. The front door opened before she could even touch it, her husband standing in the door frame. His tired eyes moved from his wife to you, a small smile stretching across his face.

"I see that you're out of the hospital", he says sleepily. He reached forward and ruffled your hair.

"Were you here to see Hitoshi or something?", he asks. You shake your head.

"No, I was just walking Mihoko-san home", you say truthfully. He seems happy with your answer and sends you a nod before pecking his wife lovingly on the lips.

"Enjoy the rest of your day", you say, taking a step away from their house.

"Aw come on, (Y/n). Why don't you stay and have something to eat?", Mihoko offers. You shake your head and take another step back.

"I wouldn't want to intrude and I have plans already, thank you for the offer though". The two waved to you as you made your way back to your house. But once you got back inside you felt as if you couldn't breathe. Your mother noticed the slight panic on your face and rushed over.

"Darling are you alright?', she worries. You slowly nod and look towards the door.

"Can I go for a walk? I just need fresh air". She bit her lip, obviously thinking the request over thoroughly. But a minute later she nodded.

"Ok but you have to be back here before it gets dark". You smiled at her and gave her a quick hug before rushing out the door.

Sorry, no Shinso in this chapter but I promise that you'll see him tomorrow when he debuts in the anime. You know what'll happen. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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