47. No control

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"Now push-ups", Kuro instructs. You nod and begin to continuously do push-ups until he says to stop. "Now jumping jacks". You begin jumping up and down, waving your arms up and down in sync with your legs. Only stopping when he gave you a thumbs up. "Now squats". You paused, sending the dark haired boy a glare. "Hey, why are you looking at me like that for?", he chuckles. You sigh. "Fine, but you have to turn around while I do them". "What kind of coach would I be if I didn't help you?", he tries to reason. You roll your eyes. "Kuro, you aren't my coach". He nods as he leans back against a tree. "You got me, but I'd still like to help. Helping you train counts as protecting you ". He seemed pleased with himself and so you let him continue with the warm up. This was only the beginning, soon you'd move on to the hard stuff.

"So you've learnt how to get your shadow threads to extend, right?". You nod. "That was only the easy bit, now we move onto the serious part". "What is it", you question. Kuro smirks, running his fingers through his hair. "Now you'll be attempting to control a shadow spirit with your threads". Your eyes widen. "Do you think I can do it?". Kuro suddenly starts laughing, obviously amused by your question. "Of course not, it's a skill, something you get the hang of and improve over time. Like an instrument, you can't start playing on your first time with the best quality music. You have to learn the basics and move up the ladder". You bit your lip in embarrassment. "So where on the ladder do I stand?". Kuro rolled his eyes. "Your not even on the ladder, never mind that, you aren't even standing under it". You looked down at the floor, looking up only when you felt Kuro's hand on your head. "Cheer up, okay? You won't make it anywhere near the ladder if you give up now, just try your hardest and you'll be fine. You're a smart girl, you'll pick it up in no time". After the compliment you felt a little better, having a lot more self-confidence now.

"First you need to call them". You look around, expecting to see them. "Um... How do I do that?". "That's for you to figure out, how were you when they last came?". You stroked you chin as you tried to think. "The first time was when I was emotional and the second was when I was playing music ". Kuro's face suddenly lit up. "That's it!", he announces. You tilt your head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?". He runs over to you and firmly grabs your shoulders, staring you dead in the eye. "They react to your music". You stayed silent as you thought. "So what about me listening to music in my room or in class in my headphones?", you ask, not 100% convinced. Kuro pinches your side, making you let out a yelp of pain. "Don't be an idiot, (Y/n). It's your music that they react to, only yours, no one else's. Since the music box was wound up by you and you played the piano they were calmed and called to you, ready to follow your orders". To test Kuro's theory you pursed your lips and blow out, whistling a sweet tune. It wasn't much but it did the trick, before you knew it all ten shadows were looking at you, ready for anything.

"How come I can't just tell them what to do verbally?", you ask, weaving in and out of the creatures as you surveyed them. Kuro followed you around. "It's like trying to speak to someone in a different language than the one they know, it doesn't work. They aren't very intelligent and allow you to take charge of their bodies with the threads so you should take advantage of that". You stopped right in front of one, it's bright eyes meeting yours. "But what if we could communicate with them, we could understand them further". Kuro sighs and flicks your ear. "That is the most annoying thing about you. You ask too many questions and go beyond the limits, further than anybody else. If you become a farmer you'll be the best, if you become a baker you'll be the best, when you become a hero you'll be the best. You have no limits and you never give up, you're a lot like your grandmother...", he trails off. You noticed the sad smile on his face and distant look in his eyes. There was a lot more that he knew about your family and you wished that he would share, it would be hard to get it out though. He wasn't the most open of people or should I say 'shadow spirits'. Before he could fully zone out you snapped your fingers, gathering his attention. "We don't have much time, let's try this and then go home. Remember that I still have school". He nods his head, a rare genuine smile on his face. "Of course, let's get on with it".

"First extend your arm in front of you". You do as you're told, reaching out towards the shadow spirit in front of you. "Okay, now let your threads out and latch them onto the shadow's body". You glanced back at him. "But I don't want to hurt it". He lets out an irritated tch and folds his arms over his chest. "It's not hurting it, it's just merging with it, okay? There's no need to worry, just relax and try your best". You nod and take a deep breath, watching as the threads extend from your fingers. They slowly move forward, eventually touching the spirit. Rather than wrapping around it like they did with solid objects the threads seemed to merge with it.

You glanced back at Kuro, overjoyed that you had done it. But he didn't look too impressed. "Don't think you're done now, you've barely even started". "What do I do now then?", you ask, not wanting to move in case you triggered something. "Try moving your fingers". You did as he said and oh what a mistake it was. The tiniest movement of your finger sent the creature running and waving its arms crazily. You jumped back and retracted your threads, scraping your arm on a sharp rock. Blood began to flow out of the wound, dripping down your arm and off onto your hand. You could feel the pain but you were able to hold back any emotional reactions.

Kuro sighs and begins walking towards the exit of the reserve. "That's enough for tonight, you've done all you can". You opened your mouth to speak but he suspected it and stopped you. "No buts, you're injured and there's nothing you can do right now. You aren't giving up, you're just postponing it so don't worry. We'll come back, I promise ". You smiled lightly, tending to your wound, finally able to stop the bleeding. "Thank you". You try to walk but feel a little dizzy. Before you can take another step Kuro crouches down in front of you, his back facing you. "Get on". "Bu-". "Shut up and get on". You nod and climb onto his back allowing him to carry you, it wasn't normal for him to be so kind. But you knew that under his serious and mischief sides were very kind and loving one. They may not have been obvious but you could see them, but that was only because he let you.

Hey.... Get ready for a bunch of updates because I did a few... not a few about four? I think? Idek, anyway I hope you're enjoying the story. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz