43. Arrangement

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After the boys explained what cute meant your cheeks tinted a light pink. A sentence from Hitoshi coming to mind. "You should smile more, you suit it". You looked around the cafeteria but couldn't spot him, perhaps he had found his own little place to take refuge as well. You liked the solitude of the music room but the idea of spending time with your new friends made you feel warm inside. It was almost addicting so you decided to stay. You felt bad that you wouldn't get to spend time with Tokoyami but you had seen him going to sit beside Tsuyu at the girl's table. 

"So (Y/n), why do you want to become a hero?", Kirishima asks. All eyes move to you, even Bakugou's. This seemed to be a popular question, what was the reason that you had attended the entrance exams and ended up in the hero course at U.A. You met Kirishima's gaze seeing the genuine interest within them. "Most people want to become the number one, right? Do you want to become number one? Have a fan club? Be rich and famous?", Kaminari asks. You shake your head. "I don't want any of that". Their eyes widened. "Okay then, why do you want to become a hero then?", Sero asks. "I want to prove my father wrong by becoming a hero he can trust and make my mother proud". They stay silent. "I want help people... I don't care if only one person knows my name but I want them to remember that I helped them, that I was the one saved them when they were in need. That when they were calling for help their cries were heard and I was the one who protected them". "Wow, that is so manly". 

Before any of the others can respond, the bell rings. You stand from your seat and head back to the classroom by yourself. As you make your way towards the classroom the four boys trail behind you, trying to keep up with your fast pace. Before you knew it you had reached the classroom door. You slid it open and entered, heading straight over to your desk. As soon as you sat down a few of the girls ran over to you. It was Mina, Tooru and Ochaco. All three bowed to you as you sat at your desk, staring blankly at them. "How can I help you?", you ask. "We're sorry", Tooru apologizes. "Yeah, we scared you off earlier and felt really bad about it afterwards". You continued to stare at them. "It's fine, I'm just not used to people being so close to me. I apologize if my lack of social experience is causing you trouble". The three quickly shake their heads. "It's okay, you're doing good", Ochaco cheers. You nod to them and then turn your attention to the classroom door as more students enter. "Everyone take your seats!", Iida instructs. Everyone sits their seats and watches as their homeroom teacher shuffles in, his shoulders hunched forward. "Get out your books, you'll be taking notes".


The lesson was long and boring, that is for the other students. You kept your eyes on the teacher the entire time, writing down every piece of information you found useful. As a pro-hero, he had the experience and obviously knew better when it came to hero related studies. When the lesson came to an end you tried to leave without any hassle but it seemed as if you were the only one on everyone else's mind. The girls and Bakugou's squad approached your desk as you were packing up. As soon as the ash blonde saw the girls approaching a deadly aura surrounded him, quickly scaring them away.

You looked up and met the blood red eyes of the angry boy, tilting your head to the side in confusion. "Did you need something, Bakugou?". He huffs and turns his face away from you like a sulking toddler. Kirishima steps forward, capturing your attention. "We planned on going out together after school, do you wanna come?", he asks. You weren't too sure whether to accept or decline their offer. "I'm sorry but I'd have to ask my mother". Kaminari nods, leaning up against the desk behind yours. "That's fine, we'll go with you and then you can ask. If she says yes then you'll come with us and if she says no then we'll without you, does it sound good?". You hesitantly nod your head, not sure how your mother would react to having her daughter come home with 4 teenage boys. "Well, what are we waiting for!", Kirishima announces. He links his arm with yours and walks with you by his side. Kaminari walked on your other side with Sero behind him and Bakugou trailing behind all of you.

I love them so much! I have an idea for a Bakugou x reader and plan on writing some time but idk when. I want it now but I can't start any more stories! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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