18. Explain

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"Kuro?". He nods and takes your hand, it was strangely cold. "I too am a shadow spirit but unlike those others, I am smarter, the others are much like dogs. They are loyal to their master and will fight and protect you but they aren't too smart". You nod and reach up, poking his cheek. "So you're real?". He nods. "I am quite real, Master". You look at the music box in your hand and then back up at Kuro. "What is your purpose?", you ask. He chuckles and pets your head. "You may use me for whatever you please, I'm much like a secretary or a bodyguard, I will protect and help you". "But won't people get suspicious if they see you around?". He shakes his head, disappearing as you blink. You look around you, unable to find the boy. A second later he reappears. "Something that people don't know is that they all have shadow spirits but those with what they call 'quirks' related to shadows, have shadow spirits like me. I am basically the entity that lives within your shadow, I've watched you all of your life and I know more about you than anyone else, maybe even more than yourself". You raise an eyebrow at him. "How do I know this isn't some kind of trick or trap set up by Father?". Kuro shakes his head, placing his hand atop of yours once again. "I only serve you, Master, I will die before I betray you". He stands up and bows to you.

You get off of the bed and stand in front of him, your eyes glancing out the window and to Hitoshi's. He chuckles and approaches the window. "So that is the boy?". You turn your face away from the window and look down at the floor. "What boy? I don't know what you're talking about". Kuro sighs and takes your hand, getting you to sit back down on the bed. "There is something you need to know, the reason why I am here in the first place". You nod and watch the shadow boy, giving him 100% of your attention.

"Your shadow spirit awaken when you have a quirk, or some call it a bond, with shadows. You have your father's quirk, which is shadow puppetry. With this, you can control all shadows whereas another's quirk may only be to control their own". You nod and hear him sigh. "To activate or bring your shadow spirit to serve you, you must lose love". You tilt your head to the side in confusion. "Lose love? But I didn't lose any love". He chuckles and smiles sympathetically down at you. "You have but you just don't know it. That boy who hurt you this morning, you loved him and the loss of him brought me here". You blinked a few times before glancing at the window. "But I don't love Hitoshi". "Your heart beats father whenever he's close, Your stomach fills with butterflies whenever he calls your name, your face turns red when you embarrass yourself around him. That is love and the stabbing pain you feel in your heart is what happens when it is lost". You stare down at the ground, your vision being clouded by tears as you think about how much you cared about the purple-haired boy and how he had just thrown you away as if you were worthless.

"Shadow puppeteers all go through this, your father too". You look up at Kuro to see the sad look on his face. "Even though your father is a terrible man he does have his reasons for why he became a villain". "What were they?', you press. "Your father was 8 years old when the apartment he lived in caught fire, killing both of his parents. He looked out the window, calling and begging anyone for help but no one came. Even though he calls could be heard, down below a hero was smiling brightly as the camera was shone on them. He cried to be saved by the hero but they didn't even spare him a glance, they were too busy with their interview and photoshoot. From then on he hated heroes and that's why he kills them. Eventually, the fire got closer and closer to him, in the end, he had to jump out of the window to avoid the flames. And just before he hit the ground his shadow spirit caught him. From then on he became a villain and wished to rid the world of false heroes". You watched Kuro intently as tears rolled down your cheeks. "F-father". Your voice cracked as you spoke. "Indeed, even after all the terrible things he has done he has his reasons. Sure he will threaten to kill innocent people but he has never done it, he kills heroes to rid the world of the false people who aren't worthy of the title 'hero'. I know that you dislike this man, Master, but when he comes to take you I shall protect you". You nod and almost fall over. Kuro catches you and holds you close to his chest. All of this information was too much for you right now. Kuro pats your head, getting you to close your eyes. "Master, you must sleep now". You give a small nod and let the darkness take over.

I hope you kinda get the idea of the shadow spirits. I really love the idea of them and the quirk I have that ties into them. I think its just an upgraded version of Tokoyami's quirk, but you can control more than just your own shadow. I'd say more but I don't wanna spoil it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang