82. Not enough

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Sitting in the living room, you looked around at the others who occupied the many couches. Aizawa and your mother sat on one, you shared one with Kuro and Yu sat beside Mr. Tsukauchi. You were all watching the news, awaiting any mention of the press conference that had happened earlier that day. You felt a little embarrassed after getting carried away and scolding everyone, but kept your face emotionless. Kuro noticed your discomfort and shifted closer to you, petting your head roughly.

"It's not as bad as you think it is, you may see it as embarrassing but that was exactly what you needed to clear everything up," he explains, pushing aside his usual teasing to comfort you. Nodding, you lent forward and focused on the television once more.

"And now we have Tora with information on the press conference that took place this morning with Lady Angel and her daughter, the Fallen Angel." It cut to a woman sitting behind a desk in the news room, tidying the stack of paper in front of her.

"Good evening, as you may know there was a battle which took part during the U.A sports festival between the number one villain, The Shadow Puppeteer and his daughter, the upcoming hero, Fallen Angel. The win going to the U.A student after she defeated both her father and the shadow creature which had been controlling him for the majority of his life." She paused, clearing her throat before she continued.

"A press conference was held this morning with the hopes of clearing up the situation and giving the public all necessary information. During the press conference, the young heroine made her voice known and spoke out for people with "villainous" quirks and association with villainous people. She stood strongly with her words and didn't falter under the pressure of the media. With this, all known groups against the teen have stopped protesting, her words giving them all the explanation they needed. The protestors from both sides have all returned home since they no longer have anything to protest for. It is confirmed that Miss Fallen Angel will not be arrested because her battle has been classed as self defense. Now we all hope she can get a provisional license so she can use her immense skill and power to protect us. Thank you."

Clapping was heard from those around the room, everyone overly happy that they could return home. You would say that you were the happiest of the all, now it was confirmed that you would soon be leaving and returning to Yu's house. Tsukauchi stood from his seat, sending a smile in your direction.

"It looks like everything is cleared up then, this is perfect. I'll file the report tonight so that you'll be able to leave tomorrow and go home." You all thanked the detective and waved to him as he left.

Letting out a long sigh, your slouched in your seat and stared up at the ceiling. So many things were going through your mind now that this had been cleared up. This mainly consisted of returning home and seeing Hitoshi, that was something that now made you feel embarrassed. You had never really put too much thought into confessing since you hadn't ever needed too. Hitoshi was the first person you had ever felt like this about and you knew that your feelings for him went far beyond like.

Knocking you from your thoughts, your mother and Yu both stood together and headed to the kitchen. You glanced over at Aizawa, asking him what they were up to with your eyes. He shrugged his shoulders and lent back in his seat.

A moment later, the two returned and smiled brightly at the three of you. Aizawa was resting and Kuro looked uninterested so they directed their words to you.

"We've decided to go out and buy ingredients for dinner," your mother smiles. You looked up at her with worry in your eyes. Turning back to the raven-haired man, you noticed he held the same expression.

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz