12. Meow

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"Um, it says stationary". Hitoshi nods and takes your hand, leading you to your next destination. It didn't take long to get there, about three or four minutes. The store was filled with books and lots of colorful pens. You walked around, taking the books and pens you needed for school. Most of the stuff that you needed was here anyway and you would get your uniform once you knew if you had passed the exam or not. You paid for your new stuff and left the store.

"What's next?", Hitoshi asks. You look down to the very bottom of the list where there was a message written by your mother. "Buy yourself and your friend some lunch", you read aloud. You look up at the purple haired boy. "Where do you wanna go?", you ask. He shrugs his shoulders. "There are a lot of places around here, what kinda place do you want to go to?". You look around and found it hard to concentrate due to the noise of the bustling city. "Somewhere quiet". Hitoshi nods and takes your hand once again, pulling you along.


"We're here". You nod and enter the place, still holding onto Hitoshi's hand. You look around and find yourself in a place that reminded you of the waiting room outside your father's office. Villians used to sit there and wait to see him, he was quite busy and some would sit there for hours. You hoped it wasn't like that. Hitoshi approached the front desk and greeted the woman behind it. "Just the two of you?", she asks. He nods. "Ok, right this way". She leaves the front desk and comes over to where the two of you were, she then walked down a long hallway and stopped at a door. "I'll be with you in a couple minutes, enjoy your stay". You nod and enter the room. It was only when you were inside that you noticed several cats roaming around. A fat white cat with a brown patch covering its right eye approached you, rubbing itself against your leg. You lent down and picked it up under the arms, holding it out in front of you. "Cute". The cat lets out a quiet meow which caused you to put it back on the ground. You look over and see that Hitoshi is already sitting down.

You walk over to him and sat by his side. "What is this place?", you ask. He pets a small ginger cat that sat on his lap. "It's a cat cafe, you can come here and eat with cats around you. You even get a private room so it's quiet and no one else is around". You nod and watch as the fat cat from before sits beside you, purring loudly. A second later the door opens the woman from before enters. "So what can I get the two of you today?". You both give her your order and then play with the cats until she returns with your food.


You and Hitoshi had been there for a while now, just under two hours. The two of you played with the cats after you had finished eating. You were currently laying on your back with a small black cat laying on your chest. You ran your fingers through his soft fur. Suddenly the cat got up and stretched, making its way over to the scratching post. You sit up and look over at Hitoshi, whose eyes are already on you. "You ready to go yet?", he asks. You shake your head, pulling your phone from your pocket. "You've still gotta tell me how to text". "Oh right, I forgot about that". He stood up and made his way over to you, sitting cross-legged by your side. He took your phone from your hand and unlocked it. He then sent a text to himself and handed you your phone. He picked up his own phone and looked at the message he sent himself. You saw that he sent a little emoji of a cat. Suddenly your phone buzzed, you dropped it on the carpet in fright. You look up at him, feeling a little embarrassed. He sighs and picks up the phone, putting it back in your hands. "It's fine, your phone will vibrate whenever you get a notification or text". You nod and check your phone to see a new message. You open it and see that its an image of you laying on the floor with the black cat. "You can send pictures?", you question. He nods and takes your phone from you again. He goes to the photo app and puts it on front camera. "You have to smile in the picture". You look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why?". He just sighs. "Just do it".

He moves closer to you and holds the phone out in front of you, making sure that a couple of the cats were seen in the background. In the phone, you could see Hitoshi smiling which sent tension to your cheeks. You mentally sigh and give in, letting a small smile grace your lips. Hitoshi snaps the picture and then sends it to himself. "There you go, now you know how to text. Do you wanna go home yet?". You nod. "Yeah". He stands up and offers you a hand. "Ok then, let's go".


You jumped off of the front of Hitoshi's bike and waved to him. "I'll be waiting for you tomorrow morning, we'll catch the train to U.A together". You nod and smile lightly at him. "I had fun, thank you for taking me". He nods and gets off of his bike, beginning to walk it over to his house. You enter your house and are suddenly hugged. "Yay, you're back!", you mother cheers. She pulls away and you cock an eyebrow at her. She nervously rubs the back of her neck, sweatdropping. "It's not that I didn't believe you could it, it's just I was worried. Did you take your friend with you?", she asks. You nod. "Yeah, Hitoshi came with me". She sighs in relief. "So did you get everything?". "Yeah". Suddenly you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You wave to your mother and make your way to your room and sit on your bed, pulling your phone from your pocket. You have a new message from Hitoshi.

~Look out your window~

You stand up and walk over to your window, looking across the street at his house. In the window of the top floor, you can see him waving at you, that must be his room. You feel your phone buzz again and look down at the new message.

~I'll see you tomorrow~

You sit back down on your bed, not realizing that a smile graced your lips at the message. You are suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when you hear a voice. "(Y/n) sweetie, dinner's ready!", Yu calls. You drop your phone on your bed and get up, making your way downstairs. "I'm coming!", you call back. It was nice living here, having your mother, Aunt Yu... Hitoshi. Even though you two had only met a couple of weeks ago you knew that this street, this town, this world wouldn't be the same without him. It put a smile on your normally emotionless face just knowing that he was there for you and gave you the feeling which made your heart beat as if you were running a marathon.

I'm so excited! I'm going to be writing the U.A entrance exams in the next couple of chapters. Yay! I've been looking forward to this. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें