1. I hate this

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I sat in my bedroom alone. The curtains remain pulled closed from the previous night, leaving me darkness. My blankets remained wrapped around my body, providing me with the only comfort I seemed to get in this house. The sound of knocking on my caught my attention, my gaze shifting across the spacious room to the large wooden door on the other side. Just from the way his knuckles rapped against the wood, I immediately knew who it was. I wished he wouldn't come but he always did, bringing me anguish every time I saw him.

Even though I didn't bother answering, he proceeded to open the door. Through the door, light began streaming in. I squinted as the room was illuminated by the sun, my father now standing in the open doorway.

"Good morning, Princess", he greeted, offering one of his largest grins. I was well aware that he was a short-tempered man, not wanting to be the one to make him angry. I nodded in acknowledgement of his entry, watching him as he journeyed further into my bedroom. 

"Will you do some studying today?", he asked smoothly, his gaze making me feel small. I nodded my head once again.

"Yes, Father."

"And combat training?"

"Of course, Father," I answered, lowering my gaze to my lap. There was only so much of his staring that I could take, backing down after feeling intimidated by his presence. He was a man easily swayed but is emotions, meaning that the way he felt about something could change in an instant. I knew he was unstable but that's not something I'd imagine he'd like to hear.

Good girl, I'll see you downstairs for breakfast. Your mother's almost finished in the kitchen," he sang, petting my head before leaving the room.

I glared at the door once he was gone, the mention of my mother putting me in a sour mood.

I hate this place

Getting out of bed, I was quick to get changed. Once I was out of my pyjamas, I stared at myself in the mirror. I observed the drained expression on my face, softening my facial features so I looked more neutral. It was best to not show that you disliked this place or the people in it, that way no one would have to get hurt.

Leaving the room, I stared back through the open doorway at it. I despised how large it was, the excess space around the bed making me feel exposed every time I lay there. Closing the door did nothing to my negative feelings about the place, the entire house being excessive inside. The corridors were wide and long, rooms being the same size as mine or bigger. There was so much space there for only three people, making this place feel even more lonely.

Reaching the stair, I was quick to descend them. Just one more right turn and then a left, then I would be there. It had taken a while to get used to the house, but even though I had lived here my entire life, I still happened to occasionally get lost.

I hate this house

Entering the kitchen, I immediately spotted my Mother sitting at the table. Hearing my footsteps, she lifted her face to look up at me with sunken eyes. Even though she had put up with my Father for so long, only now was she looking like she was about to properly give up on life. She doesn't eat well or sleep much lately, this showing by her now frail body and dark under eyes. But even though she looked so neglected and starved, she still managed to offer me a smile when she saw me.

"Good morning dear", she offered, her voice raspy. I didn't know much about my Mother's past besides the fact that she used to be a hero. One who was strong and beautiful, they called her Lady Angel. I wished that I could see her like that, then I would get to meet the woman she was before she was brought here. It was the sound of new footprints from behind her that she reacted to most. Her body tensed knowing that he was there, fingernails digging into her thigh as she listened to him draw closer to her. I watched as he walked up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulder as he smiled at me.

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