44. Home

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You sit in between Sero and Kirishima on the train, trying your best not to lean against them as the train suddenly stops. You stand up, getting the boys to follow you off the train and onto the platform. Since your station was near your house, in a residential area, it wasn't that busy. Only a few other people got off. You began to lead the group in the direction of your house, getting strange looks from the people you passed. The walk was mostly silent, not that the walk was awkward,  the boys seemed so emersed in the scenery. "This neighbourhood is really nice", Kirishima comments. You nod your head. "It was strange to me at first but I got used to it quickly, my mother and I are now living with my aunt in their parent's house, the house they grew up in". Bakugou lets out a loud tch. "Like anyone here cares". You shrug your shoulders. "If you don't wish to be here then you are free to leave, no one is holding you hostage". He looked a little surprised by your comment but brushed it off, frowning at you. But instead of firing insult after insult at you, he just averted his gaze and shoved his hands deeper into his pockets.

It wasn't long until you arrived at your house. You were happy to see it again, not only the house but your mother too. Spending entire days away from her had been an oddity to you, you used to spend almost every day at your old house with her. Every second that you weren't training, studying or sleeping she was there, supporting and needing support from you. You walked up the stone path and halted in front of the door, opening it slowly. You stepped inside and looked around the hallway, not seeing your mother anywhere. You looked back at the boys and gestured them in. They followed you inside, Sero closing the door behind them all.

You walked into the living room and looked around, still unable to find her. After you heard noise from the kitchen your eyes lit up. You hurried towards the kitchen door, poking your head inside. Standing in front of the sink, doing the dishes, was your mother, a blue apron tied around her waist.

You looked back at the others as you entered the kitchen further, getting them to follow you. The sound of footsteps drew the attention of the older woman, causing her to turn around. Her eyes widened slightly when her eyes landed on the four boys who stood behind her daughter. "Darling, who are these boys?". Before you could open your mouth to speak Kirishima butted in. "We're (Y/n)'s friends, all five of us are in the hero course at U.A". Her expression softens. "Oh, friends? Well, that's great! To be honest I was a little worried about (Y/n)'s social life. You see, she's never had any friends". You turned your head away from her in embarrassment, trying to hide the pinkness of your cheeks.

Kirishima nods his head. "I guessed that was the case. She said that you guys just moved into town after living in the country and that she was homeschooled her entire life". Your mother's face fell a little. "T-the country?". Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero nod while Bakugou spends his time looking around the room, obviously not interested in the conversation. You cleared your throat loudly, subtly snapping her out of her thoughts. Her eyes widen a little before her smile returns and her gaze softens. "I apologize for that, I tend to freeze up from time to time". The boys give understanding nods which seem to soothe the older female.

"Anyway, why have you brought your friends home, (Y/n)?", she asks. You look back at the boys before returning your gaze to your mother. "They asked if I'd like to hang out with them in town, I was just wondering if that was alright with you". Her face lights up. "Of course". You nod your head. "Okay, I'm just going to go upstairs and then we'll be leaving". She smiles brightly and watches as you all leave the kitchen, heading up the stairs to your room.

Sorry, I wasn't able to update for a week, I was away on a camp. Also, I just made a FB group so if anyone wants to join then feel free to do so. The name is just my Wattpad username. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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