58. I am a hero

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You walked down the street, looking up into the sky to see it a soft shade of pink. Sunset was always your favourite time of day, where the sun would disappear, painting the sky in beautiful colours only to be replaced later by the darkness of the night and bright glow of the moon and stars. It was the time when animals would head home to sleep through the cold night ahead. You looked up at the sky as you walked, getting closer to your house with every step.

As you made your way down the street your house sat on you looked around. You remembered looking around the neighbourhood at all of the buildings like a curious child. Everything here had been so new to you but now it was just normal, a part of your everyday life. Taking a deep breath your gaze drifted from the houses to the road. Up ahead you could see something sitting in the middle of it. At first, you didn't believe it to be anything of importance but as you got closer you came to realise what it was.

Tsuki sat in the middle of the road, cleaning his fur in between your house and Hitoshi. His white coat stood out against the black tar of the road. You thought nothing of it until you head the distant sound of a car's engine. Headlights shined dimly in the light of the setting sun, driving at a high speed down the street.

Too fast, it was all too fast. Your head was spinning, filling with thoughts of what would happen. Before you could even think to react, your body moved on its own. It was the constant thought of a terrible outcome mixed with the adrenaline which pumped through your veins which sent you running down the street. You didn't care if this killed you, just as long as Tsuki would be safe. It was as Stain had told you, a hero is someone who sacrifices themselves for others, not expecting compensation afterwards.

The car grew closer, it was a lot faster than you so you had to push yourself harder. Your throat hurt from how harshly you were breathing and your legs throbbed from the amount of force you were putting on them. But it would all be worth it, just as long as you can help, just as long as you can save this one life. Tsuki looked up at you, the headlights became brighter as they neared. His blue eyes watched you run towards him, scooping him up into your arms before leaping out of the way of the car.

You lay on your stomach with the cat held securely to your chest. The car beeped loudly at you and someone yelled out the window but you didn't hear it. All that you could hear was the loud beating of your own heart and the quiet meow of the cat which lay in your arms.

"(Y/n)!", you heard someone call. Mihoko ran out of her house and to your side, an expression of concern on her face.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?", she panics. You nod your head, looking down at Tsuki to make sure he's alright.

"He's fine", you whisper, unable to speak at a normal volume. The blue-haired woman shook her head, her bangs swinging as she did so.

"Not the cat, I'm talking about you. You're covered in your own blood, did you not even realize?". You looked down at yourself, your eyes widening at the sight of your skinned arms and legs. Blood ran down them, some even getting on Tsuki. You stood up, placing Tsuki on the ground in front of you.

"(Y/n), what are you doing!?". You turned towards your house, your mother and aunt running towards you.

Both stopped right in front of you, lecturing you never to do something as reckless again but you didn't hear a word. All that you could focus on were the whispers of the neighbours as they left their houses, making their way out onto the street. Tsuki sat by your feet and continued to clean himself, not noticing the attention the two of you had gathered.

"She saved him!", a young boy announced. All of the neighbours glanced between you and the boy as he approached you. He was small, looking around five or six. Even though you were injured and covered in blood he smiled brightly at you.

"Are you a hero, miss?", he asked, his eyes sparkling. You weren't sure how to answer, you were a hero in training but not a pro. But then your mind travelled elsewhere, perhaps it were the actions of a person that made them a hero... not the name at all. So rather than breaking the small boy's heart, you kneeled before him, ignoring the pain of your fresh wounds. Then you gave him your brightest smile and nodded.

"Of course, I will protect everyone who needs help. I will sacrifice everything to make sure that everyone is safe and I will let no voice go unheard, not even yours. I am a hero". His face lit up and in an instant he leapt into your arms, hugging you tightly. It was odd receiving an embrace from a stranger but as a rising hero you needed to everyone around you feel safe. You returned the affection, letting go a moment later. The boy seemed satisfied and returned to his mother, waving to you as he walked away.

"Goodbye, miss hero!", he called. You waved back, returning to your feet once he was out of sight. You knew that the idea of a hero to a child was one much different than one of an adult. Seeing people being saved and villains being defeated can easily sway a child's opinion but those who are older see the bigger picture. Fatalities, collateral damage, violence. The types of thing children are blind to, the bad things.

You expected to be shamed, scolded for your reckless act but you were surprised to see the soft expressions of the other people who lived in your neighbourhood.

"Thank you, darling", an older woman bowed, approaching you. She leant down to pet Tsuki before shaking your hand.

"Not many pro heroes would ever jump in front of a car in order to save a cat. As a student of U.A and a future hero I am pleased to know with a hero like you my grandchildren will be safe in the future". Your eyes widened slightly.

"How did you know I go to U.A?", you ask. She chuckles quietly before smiling up at you, defining the crows feet which marked the outer edges of her eyes.

"I see you walking to the train station every morning, I only live a few houses down", she says, pointing in the direction of the train station. You smiled lightly at her, bowing.

"I apologise for not noticing, I'll be sure to greet you in the morning if we meet". She chuckles and smiles softly at you.

"No need to be so formal, if anything I should be the formal one, miss hero".

After the old woman thanked you, many others came over and did the same. It seemed that even though Tsuki didn't belong to anyone in the neighbourhood he was still very important. The couple who live in the house next to yours said they usually feed him breakfast and the old woman before said she gives him dinner. No wonder he was such a fat cat, he was getting fed by almost everyone who lived in the area. But they had also mentioned that they hadn't seen him in just over a month, it was as if he had completely disappeared.

It surprised you to see how much a simple creature like a cat could affect all of these people. You understood if it were their family's pet cat but not a stray.

Once the sun disappeared, the people did too. They left you standing in the middle of the street with Tsuki sitting by your feet. Your mother, Yu and Mihoko were the only ones who accompanied you in the darkening street.

"(Y/n) dear, it's time to go inside", your mother called, her eyes drifting over your scrapes. Yu stood by her sister's side, watching as you knelt down to pet Tsuki's head.

"Can you give me a minute?", you asked. You mother opened her mouth to say no but was stopped by Yu who placed her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Hikari, give her some space". Your mother let out a quiet sigh before looking over at Mihoko. She smiled at the blue-haired woman, sending her a nod before turning to return to their house. Mihoko did the same, sending you a wave and a small smile before returning to her own home.

But the night ain't over yet. you're gonna be so surprised by what happens next lol. If you can guess then I'll dedicate the next chapter to you. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora