8. You should smile more

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You sat on your bed in your room. You were annoyed that your aunt had pulled you away from Shinso yesterday, you wanted to know more about his quirk. It interested you, he had told you that it was called mind control. You guessed that he was able to control the minds of others but you didn't understand how others could see him as a criminal because of it. It wasn't his fault that he was born with that quirk and in your mind, you thought all quirks were amazing. You let out a long sigh and lay back on your bed, maybe if you asked your aunt if she needed anything from the store you could see him again. Even though this was your third day here you had come to enjoy the company of the violet-haired boy. You were knocked from your thoughts when you heard something hit your window. You stood up and walked over to it, seeing Shinso sitting on a bicycle in front of your house. He gave you a slight smile and waved, gesturing you to come down.

You ran down the stairs and outside to where he was. "Do you wanna go for a ride?", he asks. You nod and look back at your house. Your aunt stood in the doorway and gave an approving nod. "I'll tell your mother when she wakes up". You wave to her and turn back to the violet-haired boy. "Where do I sit?", you ask. He gently pats the handlebars. "Sit here, I'll make sure you don't fall". You hesitantly walk forward and sit down on the handlebars. You lose balance and fall forward but Shinso catches your waist. "Try not to move around or you'll lose balance". You nod and grip the handlebars tightly as he starts riding the bike. "You ok?", he asks. "Yeah, I'm just trying not to fall off".

After about twenty minutes you look back and meet Shinso's gaze. "Where are we going?", you ask. "Its a surprise". Now you were feeling curious, where was it that he was going to take you? You wish you knew but also felt a surge of excitement while thinking about this mystery location. You rode down the roads on the outskirts of town, you could see the large buildings in the distance but you still preferred this area. It was a lot calmer than you imagined the city to be, there would be too many people there and since you grew up with barely anyone you found it uncomfortable being in the company of more than five people.

You look around and spot some birds sitting on a sign. They were white and had grey wings, you watched them with interest. Never before had you seen a bird that looked like that in real life, you remembered seeing one like that before but in a book. They were called 'seagulls' and were typically found near large bodies of water or the ocean. A minute or so later you could smell the salt in the air and hear the seagulls being more vocal. Then you saw it, something you wished seeing for as long as you could remember. It was the ocean. Sure you had seen pictures in books but this was a whole new experience, something you wished you had seen sooner. Shinso smiled lightly at the shocked expression on your face. "Never seen the ocean before?", he asks. You shake your head. "This is my first time", you whisper. He slows the bike down and helps you off, leaning the bike against the railings. "This area used to be covered in trash, people used to dump here but someone cleared it up. Now it looks just as it did when I was growing up".

He turned his head to look at you but you weren't there. His eyes widen and he looks around, finding you running towards the water. You kick off your shoes and take your socks off, then run into the water, hiking up your pants. Shinso runs in after you, doing the same, joining you in the water. "I wish I got to do this as a kid", you say, smiling lightly. "You should do that more often", Hitoshi says suddenly. You look up at him, tilting your head to the side slightly. "Do what?". "You should smile more, you suit it". You look nervously down at your submerged feet. You kick the water a little, accidentally splashing the violet-haired boy. He gasps as the water hits him and splashes you back. You take a step forward to splash him again but lose balance and fall on your butt, getting covered in water. Shinso lets out an amused laugh and holds his hand out to you. You take his hand and pull him in with you.


For the rest of the day, you played in the water with Shinso. Even though you're supposed to be 15 you can't help but want to play like a child. Now you want to laugh and smile, letting only him see it. Its weird, this thing that you're feeling. Mother once told me of her lover back when she was younger. A boy who was kind and strong, a true hero. The only one that could make her heart flutter, the only one she longed for. She planned to marry that boy, have children and raise them to be heroes just like them. I don't believe I would ever be able to feel something such as that. My emotions are all mixed up, some feel like they never existed and others dominate my mind. My father is the one who ruined me, he turned an innocent child into a weapon. But you can't fire a weapon without having any ammunition, now that I'm older and I understand what's going on I'm not going to follow his ways. Stain Nii-san told me that if I become a hero I should become one my father approves of, even I'm not doing it for him I know I would be the best kind of hero, a hero with a heart of gold.

"(Y/n), we're here". You snap out of your daydream and are greeted with the familiar sight of your aunt's house. You jump off of the front of the bike and turn around to meet Shinso's gaze. "Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun". You give him a small smile which he returns. "Yeah me too, good night (Y/n)". "Good night, Shinso-kun". You turn to walk up to your house when a hand catches your wrist. You look back and see Shinso looming over you, it was only now that you realized your height difference. He was quite a tall boy. "C-can you call me Hitoshi and drop the honorific?", he asks hopefully. You nod. "Good night... Hitoshi".

I had someone ask me about why (Y/n) has two quirks. I was gonna explain this later in the story but I'll partially do it now so everyone understands. Your mother's quirk 'angel form' is only a part of a whole quirk, think of it like half of a puzzle made up of two pieces. One piece will be angel form but the other will determine what type of angel form. I'd like to give examples but I don't want to spoil the story, I know that if you have more than one quirk (with the except of characters like Todoroki) you turn out like dumb, brainless Nomu. Sorry if it sounded like I'm ranting, I'm just handing out the info. Sorry if you waiting for this update. I started the first half of it 2 days ago but was super busy so I forget to finish it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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