30. Obtained

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You flew over trees and houses, enjoying the feeling of the wind on your face. This was your first time flying and how you loved it. It made you feel alive. "Now head towards that tall building", Kuro whispers in your ear. You nod and fly over to it, landing on the roof. You stand on the edge of the roof, looking out into the night. "Which way now?", you ask, looking to Kuro who stood by your side. He points straight ahead of you. "If you keep travelling that way you'll reach the house in about ten minutes". You nod your head and take off, making your way out of town.

It had been just over eight minutes and you found yourself flying over a thick forest. "It's around here somewhere", Kuro says. You nod once more and look around, spotting the large mansion not too far away from you. You flew over the top of it, slowly gliding down to the roof. "Do you think anyone will be home?", you ask Kuro. He nods his head. "Your dad doesn't have any staff like maids or butlers, it's only the shadow spirits he has roaming the halls at night. Watch out for those, they'll surely alert him if they see you". Your eyes widen. "That means they must know we're gone", you whisper. Kuro shakes his head. "They're brain dead, they only follow orders and can't do anything without being told to. They won't kill you, just capture you and tell their master. Stay out of their way and don't make any noise, that's the key". You glare at the raven-haired boy. "You said this was safe", you growl. He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. You roll your eyes. "Just remember that when I die you die too". He chuckles quietly and pets your head. "Well you better get in there, we don't have much time to waste". You nod and quietly make your way to the edge of the roof, sliding down a pipe to the ground.

You made your way around the building, finding exactly what you were looking for. "Why don't you just go through the office window?", Kuro whispers. You pry at the window you were currently at, able to get it open. "All of the other windows are too secure and would make a lot of noise to open, this one has a broken lock". He gives an understanding nod and watches as you slip through the window.

You were currently in the dining room, it wasn't too far away from your father's office but it would take a few minutes to get there if you wanted to make sure the shadow spirits wouldn't notice you. You ducked behind the large table, crawling around until you reached the door. You quietly entered the hallway, freezing as you watched a shadow spirit make its way towards you. It hadn't seen you yet but it would if you didn't move. You made your way over to a bookshelf, hiding beside it. You held your hand over your mouth to quieten your breathing as you watched the black figure walk past.

Luckily it hadn't heard or seen you so it continued down the hall. You quickly got up and ran towards the office, feeling the tension in your cheeks once you found it. You opened the door without a sound and entered, making sure to close it behind you. You walked over to the desk, sliding the top drawer open. You quietly rummaged around in it, not finding anything useful. You closed it and then went for the second, seeing the notebook sitting on top. On the front was a picture of a marionette, her slender limbs connected to strings which held her up. On the front, it read 'For my marionette'. You opened the book, noticing a loose piece of paper in a small pocket. You slid it out, realizing that it was a photo of you and your father. You must've been about 8 or 9 in the picture, you stood beside him, smiling widely. He looked just as happy as you, a smile visible on the half of his face which wasn't masked. You felt pained seeing such an image, sure you hated the man for everything that he did to your mother but you couldn't help but feel sympathetic. He lost his trust in heroes along with his parents and was left only with his shadows. You heard a quiet tap and saw Kuro looking at you with a serious expression. "Come on, if you've got the book then we need to go". You nod and slip the photo back into the book, closing it. You go to shut the drawer but hit something off the desk, making a loud crash as it shatters on the ground. Your eyes widen at the sound of footsteps running towards the office. You were frozen with fear, you needed to hide.

I had time so I wrote another chapter, yay! Hope you like them. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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