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My last summer in the Okanagan ends with a bang.


KJ, Hunter, and Jayden are setting off fireworks. Until fifty minutes ago, I didn't realize Hunter's parents had a summer lake house just off of Westside Road. It's mind-boggling. Why?

Because I love the place.

It's rustic but also modern, and the beach is flat and sandy, with the lake lapping against the shore. There's a bonfire about six metres away from the water, with three chairs surrounding it. A dock juts out into the water, which is where KJ, Hunter, and Jayden are.

My last shift went late at the café, so I missed out on the boating and sunbathing experience with the rest of them. I don't mind. Noah, Chelsea, my aunt, and Mom threw a little party for me. We had cake and coffee, and then Mom dropped me off here with a bag slung over my shoulder. My decision to stay overnight will depend on whether Brenna is staying. I'll do anything to spend the night by her side.


"They look like morons," Brenna says.

Her voice causes me to jump. I didn't notice her join me, and when I glance at her, she's holding out a gin smash. I try to not wrinkle my nose. After our camping trip at Kootenay National Park, gin smashes are not my friends.

She flashes me a toothy grin. "Just kidding. This is your drink." Instead of a can, Brenna hands me a Yeti cup. It's filled with ice, tonic water, lime, and gin. "No sugar. So it's bitter as hell."

I return her grin. "It was the sugar that got me sick, Bren. Trust me." To prove my point, I take a sip of my drink. The sourness of the lime makes my toes curl in the sand. Sourness aside, it's a damn excellent drink.


Their laughter rings across the beach as the fireworks light up the sky for a moment. Then it fades to black again.

Her expression is patronizing. "Sure. Keep telling yourself that, Smith."

We exchange a grin as the smell of burgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob wafts through the air. Drew and Ella are working with the food up on the deck. Evren and Nick are sitting on the lounge chairs, playing an intense game of chess.

Prior to joining me, Brenna was up there, too. She was reading a book, but I assume she finished it. Once Brenna finds a book she enjoys, she devours it.

As for me? I finished prepping the salad and the toppings for the burger, then I came down here to survey. Today's the last day we'll all be able to see each other. Tomorrow afternoon, KJ leaves for Edmonton. Brenna is leaving on Saturday for Vancouver. I leave on Monday for Boston. Jayden will head to Nova Scotia. Evren and Hunter are staying in the Okanagan, attending UBCO. Catina and Ella are going to Victoria.

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