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I adjust my tie, straightening it in the mirror.

Time moves too fast, but I'm excited for all the grad events today. Ever since Brenna and I had our discussion, our relationship has felt better. We're aware of the impending break-up, parting of ways, or whatever the hell you want to call it. Aware of the hope residing in the future.

"Don't know why you and Brenna are freaking out," KJ says. He pulls on his suit jacket and then swipes the corsage from the small table in the hallway. The plastic container holds a beautiful corsage for Ella. It's made of pink roses and baby's breath, as well as some ribbons and glitter that match the baby pink of her dress. It's basically the same as Brenna's, save for the colours. "You and Harrison are endgame, Shea. This plan of yours won't last. Not that I'm degrading it. I think the decision you've made is a good one. But mark my words, you'll be that on-again, off-again couple who fucks every time they visit each other."

I roll my eyes, giving up on my tie. Maybe Ella will fix it for me when we pick her up. I've never had good luck with ties. Unless you count finding the perfect one to match Brenna's dress. It's a deep red, almost the colour of red wine.

"Glad you think we're endgame, KJ."

"You are. Trust me."

I swipe my keys from the table, then I glare at him. "Are you ready to go?"

He flashes me a toothy, impish grin as he runs a hand through his slicked-back hair. "Yes."

I gesture to the door. "By all means."

Still grinning, KJ pushes past me and steps outside. "Lovers with benefits."

Again, I roll my eyes.

Following KJ out the door, I squint up at the sky. It's clear and sunny. From my house, the valley looks bright and green. It's a perfect day for our photoshoot prior to the grad walk, banquet, and dance at The Grand Hotel in Downtown Kelowna.

A smile rests on my lips as the late May sun beats down, warming my face and suit.

After we pick up Ella, we're heading to the abandoned orchard where the cherry blossoms are blooming and the field is green. Plus, there's a great view of the mountains. KJ and I also want to take photos near the rusty abandoned truck, too. Our grad photos will be more unique that taking photos at Quail's Gate Winery, which is overrated. Who wants a view of the lake in the background? Not me. I want the mountains and forest. Cherry blossoms and knee-high grass. There's also a tree with a bent trunk we can stand on. If someone takes photos from a lower angle, the shots will be amazing.

Once we're at KJ's vehicle, he stops and looks at me before unlocking it. He's staring at me, and his expression is sympathetic.

I raise my eyebrows. "What?"

Bending the Rules (The Rules,  #1)Where stories live. Discover now