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Brenna won't talk to me.

All throughout our hockey game, she targets me. It's nice to know our exchange didn't ruin the urge to win a hockey game.

In the end, we win in a shootout.

Brenna smashes her stick across the boards as she exits the ice.

"She's falling down a rabbit hole," Tucker mutters. He skates up beside me. "What the fuck did you do?"

I shoot him an irritated glare. "Talked to her. She didn't take well to it."

I don't mention the kiss. Or my stupid confession.

Tucker raises his eyebrows. "Surprised you're still alive."

"Man," I snort. "I should've died long ago."

Our chuckles dissipate into the cold air. Hunter expels a deep breath. Exhaustion is visible on his face. "Listen, Nick, Jayden, Drew, and I are hanging out tonight. Do you and KJ want to tag along? Board games or video games. Haven't decided yet. But there will be alcohol and food."

"Why not?" I shrug. Unwinding with a crowd I can trust sounds fun. After all this, I need a break. Mom is home, so I don't need to worry about Chelsea. Besides, I'd never give up free food or drinks. "Where's the party at?"

Hunter points his gloved hand at me. "It's not a party. We're hanging out. It's at my place. You and KJ can follow me home. Unless you don't want to come. It's not a party."

Party or not, there's alcohol. "I'll let KJ know. We'll join you guys."

A ghost of a smile appears on Hunter's face. He taps his hockey stick against my shins. "Meet you in the hallway."

For a second, I'm wondering what the hell he's talking about. Then I remember. We're talking to the coaches tonight.

A new plethora of anxiousness infects me.

Every ounce of egotistical masculinity in my body begs me not to tattle on Connor. There will be ramifications. Connor will know I told Coach about his plans. He'll be pissed. Rumours will spread about me and Tucker. Jayden and KJ.

I take a deep breath.

Caring about what other people think is detrimental to my mental health. I've been a victim of thought process for years. For too long, I've cared about my father's opinion. Connor and the rest of the team's opinion. The school's opinion.

I can only be the best I can be, learning as I go. Crediting myself, appreciating myself... it's something I need to improve on.

Skating to the bench, I step off of the ice and follow my teammates into the locker room. Connor is boasting. He's on a high like the rest of the team. Beating West Kelowna should feel good. We're rivalries.

Bending the Rules (The Rules,  #1)Where stories live. Discover now